Infirmary Visit

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I can't believe McGonagall made me stay with Draco in the infirmary. I 90% sure I followed the instructions correctly. Even if I didn't, I didn't blind Malfoy on purpose... At least there's a bit of chocolate and Ron and 'Mione are keeping me company whenever they aren't of snogging somewhere... What was that??

Harry's thoughts were interrupted as a groan of pain from Draco's bed alerted the dark haired by that his 'patient' was waking up. Harry watched as the blonde struggled to try to sit up, before placing a hand on Draco's shoulder to keep him from sitting up.

"Easy there, Malfoy." Harry said before turning away from Draco and yelling into the infirmary, "Madame Pomfrey! Malfoy's finally woken up! Can I go now?"

"Not yet Mr. Potter, I have to go fire-call Minerva, and when she arrives we shall discuss the new circumstances that have been created." Madame Pomfrey disappeared into her office and Harry let out a heavy sigh before turning his attention back to Draco whom was fidgeting slightly.

"Listen, Potter. I truly and honestly hate to ask you this, but I desperately need to use the loo, so unless there is some other male I'll need you to lead me there." Draco's face was heavy with a blush as he tried to push against that heavy hand that still lay on his shoulder.

Harry was muted by shock for a few moments before quickly removing his hand from Draco's shoulder and carefully grabbing his hands. Harry's face lit up with a blush, Thank Merlin no one can see this. I bet Ron would bloody faint at the idea of me holding Malfoy's hands. I will say this, though, they are quite soft...

Harry quickly shook his head and returned his thoughts to that of the task at hand, literally. Carefully leading Draco to the loo, Harry paused when he realized that Draco was just staring blankly at the wall in front of the urinal. Please don't tell me he needs my help with this too. I don't think I can-

"Potter, your... assistance is once again needed. At least just direct me to when the urinal is, and tell me the distance." Malfoy said, with fain indifference, but the blush on his cheeks gave away how embarrassed he was at the situation.

Harry did as he was told, helped Draco wash his hands, before returning him back to his bed, where Headmistress McGonagall was waiting with Madame Pomfrey.

"Now that you boys have returned, let's talk about the situation you two seem to have placed yourself in."

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