10. Explanation

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Once you were safely taken away by Jaken—or rather most the work was done by A-Un—Sesshomaru quickly flew in the direction in which the miasma escaped to. It had just disappeared; it had done its job and there was no need for it to stay any longer. How cowardly. Naraku wasn't even going to fight Sesshomaru. He was just here for (F/N).

Just what was he planning?


Your eyes slowly drifted open. You sat up taking in your surroundings once again. You were on a large field, one you usually would set up camp on. The landscape was painted orange by the setting sun. This must've been the hill you would be camping on tonight then. Jaken was sat across from you and was alerted of your presence.

"Oh, so your finally awake then." He sighed, seemingly fed up.

"Thanks for worrying so much, frog," you scoffed sarcastically.

"Hey look here! I went to the trouble of dragging you back here and this is how yo-" A hit to the head shut him up. He was so easily agitated. You sighed and stood up, looking around a bit more. Rin was sat against A-Un, but you couldn't see Sesshomaru. You slowly wandered around, until you found him stood on the edge of the hill, deep in thought.

You slowly walked up to him and sat down on a large rock he was stood next to. He gazed over at you and you smiled in return as if nothing had happened at all. You knew it happened, you just didn't want to talk about. Sadly, it wasn't going to be that simple.

"(F/N). What happened?" He didn't even say it like a question. You didn't have a choice but to answer. You sighed.

"Well, I guess I have to tell you, don't I?" You gave him a sheepish smile and giggled slightly. You began your story. "When I was little I lived with my parents and.." You started to hesitate. You hugged your knees close to your chest. "When I was still young, they were killed by Naraku."

Sesshomaru gave a slight understanding nod.

"Today when we were walking, I got this voice in my head. It was Naraku." Your body tensed. "He kept telling me how much he enjoyed killing my parents and kept showing me these images in my head until I guess it became too much and I passed out." Tears began to well up in your eyes but you bit your lip and stopped them from spilling. Demons didn't cry.

You stood up and took a few steps back, trying to give Sesshomaru a smile. You'd unrooted your past memories again; you just wanted to forget that ever happened.

"I guess you know now right? I'm sorry I've been such a bother, I'll just leave you alone..." You muttered, walking away, finally letting your fake smile disappear until you felt a hand grab your arm that was. Next thing you knew you'd were being hugged by Sesshomaru. This guy was so unpredictable!

"Yo-" Your face flushed red as his scent intoxicated you.

"You're not going anywhere. You're staying with me where I can protect you." He said it like a command, but you just thought it as his way comforting you. You smiled, genuinely this time, and hugged him back.

"Thank you," you laughed.


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