"What the hell?" He said.

"One direction problem Asshole!!?" I yelled.

He grabbed my Hand and dragged me somewhere.

I screamed and pulled my hand away but he was kind of strong.

People were looking but nobody cared.

"Come on Bitch" he yelled.

He dragged me to a car and threw me in.

He drove off.

Cool I'm getting kidnapped.
Note sarcasm again.

"Please let me go" I said softly.

He just ignored me.

"Please-" He cut me off.

"Shut ya mouth" he said.

"Boy I think you know who run this house" I continued.

Yeah it's BO$$ from Fifth Harmony.

He looked me with a 'u kidding" me face😂

" who do you think you are?" He asked sternly.

Yet again I just continued another song.

"Who do you think I am" I sang the lyrics of 1D.

He stopped the car.

"Get out" he said.

"Get out get out geout of my head and fall into my arms instead I don't-"

He covered my mouth.

"You're so annoying" he rolled his eyes.

I pulled his hand away.

"What do you mean Ohh when you-"
He cut me off again.

"Stop it you can't sing" he yelled frustrated.

"And you're ugly" I replied cheekily.

"And you're fat" he sassed back.

"I can lose weight but you'll stay ugly" I snapped.

I could see the anger rasing in his eyes.

"You know I would kill you! And I would even enjoy it but won't" he said.

"And I know exactly why" I smirked.

He came closer.

"Oh really?" He smirked.

"Aha! It's because I'm original and can not be replaced and if you kill what will the world do without me?" I said dramatically.

He rolled his eyes and sat back.

"So? Tell me why am I here?" I asked.

"Um- because I brought you with me?" He said in a duh tone.

"And that's because?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Dunno, you're Hot" he shrugged.

We arrived at a big House.

He grabbed my hand and led me in.

When I walked in my eyes widened.

"Lilian?" I yelled.

She looked at me.

"Omg! I thought someone kidnapped you omg you okay!? I didn't where you so Luke here offered me to come here and relax a bit but omg you're okay" she panicked.

"Yeah actually I was kidnapped by him" I pointed to the mysterious guy.

"My name's Dolan just sayin'" he replied.

"Cool so why am I here Dolan?" I said in a bitchy attitude.

"I told you you're-" I cut him off.

" I know I'm hot but you just can't kidnap someone because they're hot" I yelled.

Then they all bursted out laughing.

"What is so funny?" I yelled.

"Babe! It was a Prank I told him to pick you up and bring you here you sat there lost so I wanted to play woth you a little" Lilian said.

I rolled my eyes.

"It wasn't funny" I pouted.

"Oh come on! I'm sorry it was just a prank" the Dolan kid spoke up.

I didn't reply.

Luke and Lilian left the room and went to the kitchen they were still chuckling.

"Whatcha name?" Dolan asked.

"Sheila" We shook hands.

I wanted to pull my hand away but he pulled me to his chest.

I was trapped between his arms.

"Let me go" I said.

"But why?" He pouted sarcastically.

He came closer and our noses touched.

I don't what happened but I kissed him.

Next thing I know we are on the couch and he is on top of me.

"Ew guys go get a room" Luke yelled.

We both and their direction;)

They standing there with cups and snacks.

We quickly sat up and smiled at each other.

We mumbled a 'sorry'

"I think it's better when we go home" Lilian chuckled.

"We could drive you girls?" Luke said.

"You don't have to" I said.

"But we want to" Dolan said.

"Well then come on sexy" I said.

Wait what?

Everybody looked at me.

"Sexy hu?" Dolan smirked.

I buried my face in my hands in embaressment.

"Come then Sexy" he put his arm iver my shoulder and led me to the car.

Luke and Lilian giggles behind us.

The dorve us home and luke and Lilian stepped out talking to each other.

I saw Lilian giving her number to Luke.

She pecked his lips and he blushed.

"It's your turn" Dolan said.

I looked at him and blushed.

"Who said I'll give you my number?" I sassed again.

"I was talking about the kiss" he sassed back and smirked.

"I already gave you one" I said.

"I can't get enough" he shrugged.

I laughed a bit and pecked his lips.

I gave him my number.

"I'll call you princess" he said.

"We'll se if I answer" I winked at him

" if you don't I'll just kidnap you again" he winked back.

Luke came and stpped in the car.

They drove off.

I ran in and me and Lilian were jumping up and down.

~1 year later~

That Asshole cheated on me woth Lillian.

But I didn't regret that I met them.
Cause through him I found someone better Luke.

Yes Luke we were both heartbroken and just happend that we found each other.

I was pregnant woth my first child from Luke and we were already planning on our marriage.

See the bright side in every bad choice or thing you'll find something good.

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