Frankie_Fig's entry

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What is the title of your story? Always Running From The End Of Days

Why should people vote for your story?

I think it's an all around good book. If people enjoy zombie movies/stories as much as I do, I believe they'll find my story very intriguing. And it's got a lot more action than I had planned. So, if people love zombie stories, I think they should give my story a shot. What is the summary of your story?

On his 21st birthday, Micheal watched as his brother was brutally murdered by the same nightmare that walks the earth. Now, he must keep his younger sister, Grace, safe at all costs. With the apocalypse at hand, he's got to be extremely safe and play his cards right or he'll screw up and put everything in danger. But what he doesn't know is that he stumbles upon into a love life with a girl he barely knows, but that's not what matters, now he's got an entire group with him. And there plan is to survive, doing whatever they can to keep the ones they love alive. What is the link to your story? Is your story complete?

This book is complete, but this is only the first book.... So, technically speaking, no.

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