School Dance

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This is the part I saw the movie and couldn't get enough of them so I went on YouTube and typed "the rangers" and a lot of stuff popped up. The first video I clicked on was the Valentines day one and I got into it and my cute cheeks started to twitch and I couldn't help but smile and it was a good 2 weeks I couldn't stop talking about them and my Friend Kammae took Me to Dr.Phil and he said I have a strange addiction of the rangers he gave me a test and it had super hot pic of them with no shirt and all their tattoos we're showing I almost Yelled (I do that when I'm crushing or I see my crush) even Tyra My BAE liked Langston I don't blame her I like Dayday fine ass At first I thought he had a six pack but it was a eight pack 😍😉😛😝😝😝

Lets go to the story im getting chills right now and im writing the story!?

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