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We are back for business! Nothing screams Descendants rather than a fanfic written by two nerds with no lives.

- I resent that -

Winging It || book two of the 'It' Series
- katwritings & vocalpeter


The day had started just like no other. Calm, peaceful. The birds were chirping as they flew past the windows, the students were chatting, and the band was practicing out on the Tourney field. Everything was simply at ease.

With Jeanine and Cal in the Auradon hospital, King Beast declared the next generation to be given a chance. With Carlos and Brody's help, the kingdom found themselves taking in all the Isle kids.

And, ever since the new Isle kids came, Carlos found himself roomed with Caleb, one of Cheshire Cat's twin boys. He'd been easily manageable, as he was practically terrified of the blonde hair boy. But honest, by now, who wasn't scared of Carlos?

Okay, well, not everyone was scared of him. Mal certainly wasn't. Not much, anyways.

Speaking of which, Maleficent's only daughter had managed to capture the heart of the school during her junior year by opening the doors to the new villain students. Evie had been there, helping the new comers as well as Jay, Ben, Doug, and Jane. All wearing their - one time uniforms - they greeted the new students. Of course, coming from the Isle all they did was take what was offered and ran.

Mal didn't blame them.

Brody had found himself sitting with his two friends, Cal and Jeanine in the UCC after his sessions let out. Queen Belle had always been there to supervise, immediately feeling sympathy every time she watched him touch the glass with both hands. The two girls would frown and put one of their opposite palms up, looking frail and innocent under the scars and bruises.

Chad and Audrey no longer ruled the school. Instead, they were often ignored or treated like any other students. Flush with the groups and blending in like water based paint. Neither of the two were pleased, but neither of the two said anything against it either.

Ben, Jane and Doug, easily slotted themselves into Mal's group of friends. They would spend time sitting in the girl's dorm or in Jay's. They'd plan parties, and prank the new teams. Of course the two boys were on them but they laughed just as hard.

But, with Carlos on his life mission of secret evil and feigned hurt, Jay found himself missing him as every day passed. There was no late night cuddling or kissing under the moonlit room. No sweet smell of his strawberry bubble bath concoction. No more asking to wear Jay's shirts even though they were too big for him. All Jay had of the boy was the haunting memory of him sitting with Dude on his bed with messy hair and tired eyes. All Jay had, was the sad dog that laid on his floor and ate his food.

Yet, somehow, the group never gave up on Jay and Carlos. Now that they had grown apart, the older boy got teased more for his slight crush on the wicked genius. The entire group found it cute how Jay stared, or droned on and on about him.

But maybe that was supposed to happen.

Maybe Jay was supposed to fall head over heels for Carlos every time the smaller by gave him a single glance.

Maybe, just maybe, Carlos had planned it to happen right from he start of his cruel, cruel plan.

Winging It || book two [also UNDER CONSTRUCTION]Where stories live. Discover now