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A single leaf falls from the tree,

Taking much the same path as that of a bumble bee,

And the summer's heat makes way for autumns breeze,

 And the bark peels off of the many birch trees,

The riot of colour that assaults my eyes,

Is testament to the calm blue of the skies,

And the squirrels make nests for the cold nights ahead,

And the birds prepare for a long flight with dread,

The animals of the forest get ready to sleep,

And the water becomes calm even in the deep,

And a herd of deer passes by a rabbit's burrow,

As the rabbits sit and watch with caution below,

And the children have fun with a pile of leaves,

Jumping in it from different angles like a web that a spider weaves,

And the parents watch all of this happen with a happy gleam in their eye,

As they welcome a new season and dismiss the last with a “goodbye”.

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