P: Swear I'll fight you yodel dont test me

Yodel: hahahaha

"Have you seen the coffee pot?" Haley walks into the kitchen disheveled and spacey. "In the dishwasher maybe?" I reply unsure.

"Right," she sighs, opening the machine and pulling out each tray in search of the coffee pot. "You okay?" I offer, setting my phone down. "Yeah, just, yeah...I'm fine." I watch her run a hand through her messy hair and set the coffee pot before walking back out.

Yodel: Do you think dogs talk to each other when no ones around?
Yodel: Do you think they know bad words?
Yodel: P
Yodel: I need answers
Yodel: What do you think

P: I think you should tell me where's home
P: ...And that you're crazy

Yodel: Mean :-( I'm gonna tell my dog about you and how mean you are

P: Is he gonna tell the rest of the neighborhood dogs as well?

Yodel: Laugh all you want meanie

P: 😂

I glance in the direction Haley went and frown when her coffees ready but she doesn't come back for a cup. Setting my phone down I walk down the hall and stand in the doorway to her opened bedroom. It all makes sense now.

Her desks full of various books and notebooks littered across. She sits in her chair pen gliding across a fresh piece of notebook paper. I debate on whether or not to make a comment about how I told her not to leave her cramming for the last second days ago.

Acknowledging the tense aura surrounding her I decide not to.

"I'm gonna head to the store for a few things, did you want anything?" I propose in the quiet room. She jumps with a startle turning to look at me. "Jesus, El," she places a hand of her chest. "Sorry. Store?"

"Uh," Haley sets the pen down and rubs her forehead. "Just um, some ice cream maybe? And something for this terrible stress headache." "Got it," I nod. "What? No I told you so?" She huffs. "Think the headache says it for me," I smirk, walking back down the hall with her grunting at me.

P: Grocery store stop, anything you're feeling?

It's something we've become accustomed to, asking the other questions of the sort and speaking like we're just down the road from each other. I don't really know why we do it but it's fun and stupid and it also lets me know more.

Like last week for example, he was suckered into buying girl scout cookies and asked which were my favorite so he could get them. When I told him they were the peanut butter and chocolate ones we had a very heated conversation about how on earth he thought the thin mints were the best.

Just adding to the list of useless facts about him that I really don't need to know rather than knowing something important like, I don't know... where he's from.

Yodel: Thin mints!!

I roll my eyes with a chuckle and lock my phone before heading out.

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