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When you reached old age and looked upon the photos from your childhood and told stories to all of your grandchildren, it was bittersweet. Remembering all the people you used to know, those who were your friends, was difficult. Because... Some of them were gone. Only the crazies were still kicking.

Like Tobio. At 83, he was still as active and fit as a young man. Hinata was helping your husband coach kids at a local sports centre, Sugawara was the kindly old grandmother who sometimes thought Daichi was dead but was fine otherwise. Unfortunately, Noya and a few others have died quite a few years ago.

"Tobio, is Tsukki still alive?" You asked your husband as you looked over some rarely taken out photographs.

"That grumpy bastard?" Tobio grinned as he came out of the bathroom, giving you a nice view of his body. "Yeah, he is too stubborn to die. As is Oikawa."

"Tobio, when will that hatred between you and Tooru-kun end?"

"When he admits that I am better than him and stops trying to set my granddaughter with Iwaizumi-san's son!"

"Why is that so bad?" You asked, standing up to hug him. "They'd make a good couple."

"But... She is the only one still enjoying spending time with her lame grandfather. She still tells me she loves me." Tobio muttered, hugging you and hiding his face in the crook of your neck.

"Aw, honey." You whispered, your own heart aching because of how distant your few grandchildren have put between you. "They're young and stupid."

"Remember when Taiga was born?" Tobio chuckled, swaying you from side to side. "Kai was running around like a headless chicken."

"And you caught him and held him in your arms until he fell asleep."

"Then came Sai with his Satsuki, Mori and Minako."

"Then, a whole decade later, came our little Yuki."

"Who is almost eighteen." Tobio smiled. "We are so old."

"Mhm. And, do you still love me?"

"All the wrinkles and grey hair, dear."

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