Chapter 1: Confused

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Amy's POV

"Amy, Amy, are you okay? Love?" Somebody asked. I couldn't quite place it, but something about the heavy British accent aroused long forgotten memories from the Clue Hunt. I frowned as I remembered a cave-in, but that was it.

" Ughh" I moaned as I rubbed my head. I had a splitting headache and the bright light from the chandelier above me didn't help. Wait, chandelier? And was that a portrait of Grace? Was I at the mansion?

" Dan?" I said. Nobody answered. I tried to sit up, but a pair of big strong hands pushed me down again. " Shh shh love, it's all right. Just get some rest. Dan is fine." The silky voice made me stop, and now that my senses were sharpened as I regained consciousness again, I could finally place the voice. Well sort of. I knew that his last name was- Cobra? Yes, I had called him Cobra. Dan and I had not had the best relationship with the Cobra brother and sister duo. In fact, I recall a very painful experience and speaking about them with bitter distaste. And I think I nearly broke his leg. Oops. But that was long ago.

"Cobra?" I asked. " Is that your name? Your last name?" I heard the person sigh. I must have been thinking of a different person. This time, when I sat up he didn't object. " Did I get it right?" I tried to stand up, but my knees felt too weak to hold me up. The person chuckled at my attempt and said, " Really love? We haven't seen each other for just one year, and already you don't remember me? I'm surprised." He laughed drily. " Wait, Dan. Where is he? Why am I," I gestured around the Great Hall, " here." The person was silent and roughly tried to push me down. I yelped in pain as the pain in my head reappeared.

" Hey Cobra! Lay your dirty hands off my sister!" Dan yelled. " Dan!" I say, trying yet again to stand up, but finding myself on the ground.
" I wasn't attacking her if that's what you mean, Daniel." I grinned as Dan cursed fluently under his breath. " Dan, language." I reprimanded him. " And as for you Mr.", I said, pointing at the Cobra. " Your name is Cobra, so don't try to lie about it." Dan snickered and elbowed Cobra. " See, told you. Sinead's invention worked. And yes, Amy did choose to test it out." Dan muttered to him. Cobra remained calm and collected, as bough he had never heard it, but I thought I saw a little flicker of something in his eyes- was it hurt?

" Well then, I'm waiting." I said, drumming my fingers on the cool marble floor. " For what?" Dan asked a little too innocently. I scowled as Dan batted his eyelashes. Any normal day this would be funny and possible blackmail material, but I needed answers, and fast. Cobra whispered something in his ear and Dan understood immediately. " Oh." Said Dan, sounding a tad nervous. And just so you know, whenever Dan gets nervous, it isn't good.

"How about some dinner first, dear sister." He said. Cobra muttered something along the lines of " laying it on too thick" . I agreed, deciding to confront them later on, when they least expect it and shock one of them- or somebody- to tell me. Ah, the many perks of being beach leader. Guaranteed training from every branch. " Sure." I said, and headed for the kitchen, about to go find Nellie. Dan obviously knew what I was doing and stopped me in my tracks. "I know I'm going to regret this, but we'll explain." He sighed and motioned for me to come with him. " So where are we going?" I asked, eyeing Cobra, who had been lying low and staying quiet the whole time since Dan was here. " Cobra?" I asked. " You know, you can never sound serious calling him Cobra. You sound like you're making fun of him. It's like saying, 'Cobra, can I get you some tea?'" I giggled at Dan's impression of me, but immediately fell silent. " So what is his name?" I asked him. Dan's grin widened even more, ( if that was possible,) and only said, " Sorry, but it's so much more entertaining to see Cobra's crush call him by his hated nickname. It's just so hilarious seeing his expression every time you call him that. He's fine with others, just not you." He then ran down the hall, guffawing the whole way as I stood there, a dazed and confused look on my face.

" Daniel Arthur Cahill." I yelled, when I finally understood. " Get back here you dweeb!!!!" But he was already gone. I sighed. " Dan Cahill, it is so on." And I chased him, down the halls, knowing that I would catch him eventually.

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