sleep walking... sorta?

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So this happened last year while I still lived in Washington. I had gotten a computer for Christmas and my dad said I was not allowed to use it until my birthday. And my birthday is a month and 3 days after christmas. So it sat there taunting me the whole time.

It was finally my birthday and I was allowed to use my computer.and not long after its the weekend. So I decide to pull an allnighter on the computer. (Not my best idea.) And tbe next day I fall asleep on the couch at eight at night.

My step mom sees me and tells me to wake up and go to bed. I respond to her apparently. And walk UP the STAIRS. OPEN my DOOR and go in my room. My bunk bed did not have a ladder at this time. And I SOMEHOW get on th TOP BUNK. And go back to sleep.

The next day I wake up and ask my step-sister how I got there and she said I walked up here on my own.

The funny thing is I don't actually remember much of what happened that day.I kinda was all like, what the fuck, where the hell am I? I mean you would be too if you didn't remember most of the day before!

I would love to hear any sleep walking stories the people you know have! (If anyone ever actually reads this story. T^T)

Sorry I was just thinking and remembered this and thought it was kinda funny.

But dang seriously I need better memory...

Shadow~san out~

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