The Bait

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Randhir watched.
He watched Parth and Sanyukta hold hands and sit together in class, work on dream team tasks together, sit in the library with their heads in a book, sharing books and smiles and chai in the canteen. He watched Sanyukta smile like she'd never smiled before.
Randhir sighed.
Sanyukta was engaged to be married to a cheap piece of junk called Sameer. Sanyukta didn't want this but she was doing it anyway. For her family.
She deserved better.
She deserved...Parth?
Parth was everything he wasn't.

'He's not an MCP, not like you!'
Randhir often heard Sanyukta's voice accuse him in his head and at those moments only two things gave him relief.

One was hitting the punching bag and imagining it was Parth's face or torso

And the other?

Randhir ran his fingers through his hair, messing up the style that had taken him 10 mins to perfect. He'd lost control over himself so much that the only order he had in his life was taming his hair and staying rank one.

To his right, Sanyukta was working with Parth on one of the machines. He was standing behind her, whispering something into her ear. Sanyukta nodded and waved at Parth as he left the door.

Randhir was glad to see her without the Parth Kashyup attached to her side like a handbag or a lapdog.

Before he knew it, his feet carried him right next to her.

"What do you want now Randhir, haven't you created enough problems in my life?" Sanyukta wasn't even looking up from her machine.

Then how had she known it was him?

"Well, what have you got to say? Say it fast, this machine needs to be completed within the hour" Sanyukta wiped grease off a part.

Thoughts were raging in his head.
'I want you to stay away from Parth!
I want you to be with me!
Smile for me. Talk to me!'
Randhir opened his mouth.
He found no words, nothing to say.
Perplexed, he stomped off, his mind reeling.
Reaching the storeroom, he pulled out his cell phone and typed at it's screen furiously.

She'd come. She always did.

He didn't have to wait long. She needed this as much as he did.

"Randhir, wha..."

Before she could say anything more, Randhir had grabbed her by her shoulders and pushed her back.
"Shut up. You know." he said, crashing her lips to his.
Her back hit the wall and she moaned into his mouth.

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