My Turn - Chapter Two

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My Turn - Chapter Two

Pairing: Corney

Word Count: 1097

Warnings: None this chapter


Their practice had gotten over and the band was sitting in Corey's living room, mindlessly watching TV. Kin and Kon took up the couch, leaving Corey and Laney to squeeze in on the sides. They were watching a rerun of a crime drama, the whole lot of them groaning at the unnecessary puns.

"Seriously? Do they have to keep making these stupid jokes?" Kin shook his head.

"Maybe it's just a new form of torture for the criminals?" Corey offered with a shrug.

Kon smiled,

"That's one heck of a punishment--"

"Kon, I swear to God, I will smack you," Laney threatened, elbowing him playfully. He stifled a laugh as the show went to a commercial break.

"I think we need some munchies," Kon stated. His brother smirked, replying,

"I concur. Shall we make snacks?"

He hopped off the couch, causing Corey to fall into the empty spot. Kon soon followed,

"I believe we shall," he told him, and they headed off to the kitchen as Laney plopped over into the next empty spot on the couch. Laney glanced over as Corey cracked a smile.

"What do you know? This couch can be comfy," he laughed. Laney smirked in his direction,

"It's a loveseat, Core. It's supposed to seat two."

"Well, somebody better tell Kin he's gotta find a new spot, 'cause I'm not givin' this one back!"

Laney laughed, and Corey looked over, smiling at her smile. He could never get enough of that. Laney subtly scooted closer, and he glanced down a moment, realizing their hands had just touched.


There was that thing again. He wasn't stupid enough to not know what that was, but he sure was smart enough to know not to bring it up. He shouldn't be weirded out by his hand barely touching Laney's. And he really shouldn't feel like her smiling was the most important thing in the world.

The problem was...he did feel weird, and it was important.

He heard a popping noise start coming from the kitchen. The twins must have decided to make some popcorn. He wondered how long they'd be in there, glancing into the hall to try and see into the kitchen, but no luck.

"Hey, Core?"

He whipped his head back around, finding Laney giving him an expectant look.

"Uhh, y-yeah, Lanes?"

She looked past him a moment, confused, asking,

"What were you lookin' at?"

Corey's eyes darted back to the hall, and he laughed weakly a moment.

"I was just, uhh... wondering how long until the guys would get back...?"

Laney's expression brightened for a moment before she looked away.

What was that? Corey frowned. Before he could ask, Laney turned toward him, her features back to normal.

"Well, what are we gonna do until then?" She asked, smirking as if it were a joke. Corey felt the end of his lip twitch up and he looked down, noticing he was also bouncing his knee.

A ringing noise sounded from the kitchen, followed by a synchronous cheer. The popcorn was ready.

Corey stood up, running over to the hall.

"Where are you going?" Laney asked. Corey turned the corner before popping his head back around to tell her,

"Gonna help with the popcorn!"

And then he was gone again.


"We're not adding more butter, Kon," Kin remarked, pulling the container from his brother's hands. Kon groaned,


Corey walked in, a weak smile still on his face.

"Oh, hey, Corey!" Kon waved. Kin turned around and gave him a smile, saying,

"We were just about to bring out the popcorn."

"Cool, cool," Corey nodded, rubbing at his arm. Kin and Kon started back towards the living room, but Corey didn't follow.

"Uhm, ya comin', Corey?" Kin asked, giving him an odd look. Corey crossed his arms,

"Uhh, yeah. Yeah, I'll be there in a sec."

Kin and Kon exchanged a silent look before shrugging and heading into the living room.

"Was that weird?" Kon asked. Kin nodded,

"Very weird."

Corey exhaled loudly. What the heck was wrong with him? His brain felt like it had gone fuzzy, making it hard to think about anything at all. What was going on?

He walked over to the sink, figuring a drink of water would help. As he chugged down the glass, he heard the front door open and Trina talking away.

He frowned. After this morning, he really didn't want to deal with his sister right now. Tossing the cup in the sink, he rushed back towards the living room, only to smack right into someone else.


"Ow! Ah, geez!"

Corey stumbled back, catching himself on the wall. He shook his head as he realized Laney was sitting on the floor in front of him, clutching her head.

"Oh, God, I'm sorry, Lanes!" He panicked, holding out his hand to help her up. She grabbed his hand and pushed herself up.

"It's no problem, Core," she told him. "I was just going to see what was keepin' you."

Corey frowned. Right. That.

"Oh, uhh... Well..."

He racked his brain, only to find the fuzziness had already returned. He couldn't quite decide if he liked that feeling or hated it.

"It's nothing," he lied. "Now, uhh, let's get back to those terrible puns!"

Laney rolled her eyes,

"Pfft, yeah, alright," she replied. She glanced down, realizing she was still holding his hand.

"Oh..." Her face reddened. Corey looked down and quickly pulled his hand away, shoving it in his pocket.

"Oh! Ha, ha...ha, how did I forget? Ha, that's so..." Corey fidgeted. "So funny..."

Laney frowned and looked away again.

"You're missing the show, guys!" Kin called to them. Laney turned and walked back into the living room.

"Give me that spot back, Kon," she smirked.

"Nu-uh," he smiled. "If you had stayed here, I would have found a different spot. But your butt wasn't here, so mine had to take over."

Corey walked in, squatting down on the floor in front of the couch. Laney jumped up on the armrest again, squeezing next to Kon with a frown.

Corey sighed dejectedly. What was with him today? He blew up at Trina, and now he's being all weird around Laney. Even Kin and Kon have noticed the weirdness.

Since when am I this dramatic? He shook his head, smirking. I'm acting like Trina. Next thing I know, I'll be going diary and stalkin' Nick...

He finally let out a laugh. Yeah, like that'll ever happen!


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