My Turn - Chapter One

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My Turn - Chapter One

Pairing: Corney

Word Count: 1637

Warnings: Some language


Only two more days, Corey smiled to himself. He ecstatically waited for one of his favorite days of every year--his birthday! In only two days, he would be turning fourteen, and he could hardly believe it. In less than forty-eight hours, he’d be able to learn to drive a car, own a moped, and no longer have to order from the kiddie menu in restaurants! He couldn’t wait!

His excitement caused the sleepless night that had just passed, and he made his way to the kitchen with a smirk and a good attitude, despite the circumstances. Corey glanced around before entering once he was sure there was no Trina in the vicinity. He pulled out some cereal and a bowl, and sat down at the table. A buzz from his pocket and he took out his cell phone, finding a text from Laney.

Running late. Be there in 20.

Oh, right, they were supposed to practice early today to make up for skipping out a few days ago in favor of seeing that new Bicheal May movie (which really wasn’t worth it, sadly enough). He looked down at the empty bowl and frowned.

He could do without breakfast just this once, he figured. Corey got up and put the unused breakfast supplies back, rushing back to his room to change before the band showed up for practice.

He turned a corner to go into the hallway to his room and smacked right into his pink-haired sister, Trina. She let out an exasperated growl as she shot him a glare and got back to her feet.

“Look where you’re goin’, dork!” she bellowed, pushing past him as he sat up. Corey merely rolled his eyes as he stood up and finally got back to his room to change.

“Ugh! Corey, those stupid dweebs you call friends are here!” He heard Trina shout from the kitchen. Geez, he only just got upstairs! He couldn’t get two seconds to do anything today!

He rushed around, grabbing whatever clothes looked clean enough to wear and pulled them on, adjusting his hat before making his way back downstairs for the second time that morning.

“I’m comin’, guys! Hold on!” he called down the steps.

He skipped the last three steps on the staircase and flipped around the corner to see Kin and Kon snickering loudly from right outside the kitchen.

He walked over, only to hear a loud screech from the kitchen and covered his ears. Trina ran out of the kitchen, her hair dripping with skim milk.

“Aagghhhh! Corey! You and your stupid friends are so dead!” she screamed as she stomped back to her room, speed-dialing Mina furiously on her way. Meanwhile, Kin and Kon were laughing, trying not to fall over from hysterics.

“What did you guys do?” Corey asked, amused. Kin snickered again, replying,

“She just left the bowl there...” he laughed, “and I’ve been itching to prank somebody with this miniature propulsion device! It was her own fault!”

Kon held his stomach, getting out the last laugh.

Corey rolled his eyes.

“Come on, dude. We’re here to practice, not push Trina into another meltdown. Let’s get to the garage.”

The twins shrugged and followed him outside to the garage. They stopped as they noticed Mina was already running up the driveway, hurrying to get up the steps with her hands full of hair curlers and straighteners and combs. Corey eyed her for only a moment, and then opened up the garage and the trio walked inside.

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