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Authors note: Maríes body and her face^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Maríe's POV:

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Authors note: Maríes body and her face^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Maríe's POV:

RING!!!! RING!!!!! RING!!!!!!
"Fuck sake!!" I said... CRASH!!!!
Oops... That's my tenth alarm clock. O well.
"Wake up queen!!!! We need to handle John remember. He's in the basement!!!" My brother, drizzy , said.
"Ok. Ok I'm up!!!" I said. Mmmmmm what to wear??? I KNOW:

Finally!!!I started going down the stairs of the basement with drizzy

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I started going down the stairs of the basement with drizzy. As we reached at the bottom of the stairs I took out my gun and drizzy took out his gun.
"Well well well. Look what we have here. John. I am very upset with you. I treated you as a family but you betrayed me. And you know what happens when someone betrays me...." I said walking around him with a blank face, holding my gun and shaking my head. "I promise you. Your talking rubbish. I never betrayed anyone. I'm a very loyal person. Please let me le...leave!! I b..beg y..you I..I never did any..anything!!!" John said. I looked right through him and could tell that he was lying. " John... My dear john. You know I hate lying people. They make me sick. And right now YOUR LYING TO ME!!!!!!" I shouted. I could tell that he was trembling with fear, "please let me leave...pleaseeee!!!" "I'm sorry John. It was nice having you in this world." I said calmly and pulled my gun and... BANG!!!! He was dead.

" Well that was fun but anyway dad said he needed to talk to you." Drizzy said simply.
"Kk. Get this cleaned up." I said.
After that, I ran upstairs and went to the kitchen and saw my dad having some coffee. "Hey daddy, how are you?? You wanted to tell me something??"I said while hugging him.
"I'm fine thank you and Yes yes..... Well I wanted to tell you that me and you are going to California and your brother will stay here with the gang because you haven't been travelling a lot and he has but the reason is. Is because my work placed moved there. So go get ready we are leaving tomorrow!!!" Dad said calmly.

Authors note:
✨ooooo cliffhanger✨
✨I will update and this is my first book so I hope u liked it✨
✨plz comment and plz give advise.✨

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