Chapter 45

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We spent the next hour eating talking and I just having a good time. We were in the middle of desert now and Ross was getting antsy.

"Are you okay?" I asked him kinda weirded out.

"Yeah I'm fine." He says and just looks at my plate of desert.

"Do you want- holy shit what is that?!" As I looked down at my plate I saw some thing shining in the light. A ring.

"Syd. I know this is sudden and you want nothing to do with me but I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I really do. I don't care where it is. I just want to be with you because you make me happy. You are the love of my life and nothing and no one will change that ever. Sydney Juliet Cortez will you do me the honor and marry me?" He says getting on one knee.

Oh my god. What the hell is he doing.

"Ross stop, stand up please." I know this sounds rude but we've been broken up for 5 months and now that I'm leaving in a month he decides to through this at me.

"Look Ross you're a great guy. You really are, But we've been broken up for 5 months you can't just through this at me now that I'm leaving. I love you a lot, more than you could imagine, you know that but you can't through this at me not right now at least. I-I'm sorry." I shake my head and run out the restaurant. I hear my name being called but I don't look back I just keep running until I get to my house.

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