My father looked confused and then he looked straight at me. I realized I was doing this, just as soon as he did too.

I felt a power rise in my chest and I focused on the feral wolves. Just like with the squirrel earlier, except I imagined them in pain and dying instead of healthy and healed.

Soon they all went limp and just as I felt relieved I heard another gun shot. I gasped this time.

I had run to my father to cover the wound and put pressure on it. He changed back into his human form just as I reached him.

"G-go Ophelia!" He stammered with blood filling his lungs.

I shook my head. No, I thought to myself. I imagined my dad healed and healthy but it wasn't working. I started sobbing and I heard another gunshot go off. I jerked quickly and felt a stinging slice my arm.

"GO!" I heard him last yell and tears streamed down my cheeks.

I ran off leaving my parents. I left my dead mother and my dying father out in the forest, as if they were road kill.


I had escaped whoever was shooting at us but now I was lost and confused and tired. I didn't know what to do except cry. I cried, cried, and cried.

I was full out hysterically crying and I couldn't control it anymore. It was hard to breath and I started panicking. Anxiety rising higher and higher in my self and soon I noticed the weather changing and changing quickly. It had started raining and then all out completely pouring and thundering.

I tried to calm myself down but my grieving only turned into anger which made everything worse. The wind started blowing stronger and stronger as the sky was getting darker and was now completely pitch black at four in the afternoon.

The hurricane of emotions I felt in my chest was being displayed right before my eyes and I knew I need to calm down. It took everything I had to calm myself down, but finally I had imagined myself relaxed and soon it was beginning to happen. The weather was starting to retreat and I knew I could never let that happen again.


As time went by I challenged myself to new obstacles whether it was physical or magical. I was doing anything I could, to teach myself and I had about an even amount of successes and failures.

I had fortunately progressed much more with my running and learned how to cloak myself as well. I couldn't mask my scent, up until recently.

After about a month of trying to duplicate the spell my mother did on our little tree house, I had accomplished it without any mishaps.

My little hut wasn't that big but it was big enough for just me. Along with my little hut I had a small hidden garden that had different types of vegetables and I would constantly hunt on rabbits, squirrels, and deer. There was a stream of fresh water not too far which was the main reason I chose this spot for my little hut.

I had been living in it for about five or so months. Some days blended together as I didn't have anyone but myself. I did however learn to just be okay with myself. I didn't have a need for being with anyone else.

I was content with my little hut, my practice of magic, and my hunting skills.

It was hard to think about sometimes that my life was so different a year ago.

I remember a distinct memory of me and my brother fighting. I couldn't remember what about but I just know we were arguing back and forth and that's when my mother appeared. She had gone on a little trip to the small town near us for some things she needed. And she had told us to stop bickering or else she wouldn't show us the gifts she got us.

It was completely random but she said she had past a small shop when she saw a beautiful necklace. It had an emerald crystal that hung from a long leather cord. It was so simple but I had immediately fell in love with it. From that day on I never took it off. Since it was quite long the crystal always dipped down into my cleavage but I didn't care. I would rather it be longer so it wouldn't rip if I changed into my wolf.

My mother had also gotten my brother a brown leather bound bracelet but I hadn't paid much attention to it since I was mesmerized by the different shades of green in my crystal.

Subconsciously, I held it and then brought myself back to reality. Right now I was reading an old spell book I had found in a vintage book store. I had went into town to try and see if I could find out more about magic and so far I only found this book. It was hand written and very old.

Some of the spells required strange ingredients that half the time I kept thinking that it was fake. Only a handful of the spells actually worked. Lately I was obsessed on my magic. I think my obsession started when I learned how to mask my scent. That was a big accomplishment for me and it set off my desire to do more spells.

I know my parents constantly told me to keep a balance between my magic and my werewolf abilities but my powers were so interesting where as my werewolf side felt so bland and boring.

But I know my parents were right so I shut the book and jumped out of my window to the ground. I landed with ease and tucked away my clothes in a tree hole.

When I transformed into my wolf I took off running. Every little detail didn't go unnoticed with my observant eyes.

All of a sudden I realized, how could I think my werewolf side was so boring? I felt so free and empowering. Small animals scurried away as they heard me approaching them. I loved running.

After a few hours I decided to hunt down some dinner. I stayed hidden behind a shrub as I stalked the deer. It was drinking from a small pond and as soon as I saw it relax I jumped out gripping its neck instantly. It squirmed around before a tightened my grip and I heard a snap.

I dragged it back near my hidden hut and then changed into my clothes when I reached the tree hole. I started up a small fire to cook the meat and then I picked a few vegetables from my garden and scarfed them down.

When I finished I put the fire out and leaped up to my room.

A read over a few different spells and soon fell asleep into a deep slumber.

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