We walked into the building, hand in hand. Doing the usual, I signed in at the front desk, waiting for my name to be called.

"Are you ready to be a father?" I asked, laying my head on his shoulder.

"I'ain got no choice but to. My nut already formed tha' babies." He slightly chuckled.

"Disgusting." I laughed, hitting his thigh.

"Ms. Mitchell?"

"That's me." I volunteered, wobbling into his office with Khalil on my tail.

I sat on the examination table, while the doctor wrote down things on his clipboard.

"So, today we're just going to have a normal check up. I want to see if the babies are doing well." He politely smiled, causing Khalil to frown.

I lifted up my shirt, while he applied the ultrasound gel on my stomach. He rubbed the transducer probe in circles, until the ultrasound of my babies came upon the screen.

"You see, there is baby A & there's baby B. Baby B, is hiding behind baby A. It's very common of that. You're only 16 weeks pregnant, so you'll know the gender of them when you're around 18-20 weeks. The ultrasound seems to be well updated."

"Baby, look at them. They're so small." I smiled, letting the tears drop from my eyes. "They're so beautiful."

I looked over at Khalil, who seemed to be crying as well. Seeing them, really hit home.

"Yeah." He sniffled. "They my babies." He smiled, caressing my hand.

"Congratulations, Ms. Mitchell & Mr. Riley." The doctor nodded, smiling at the both of us.



"They usually be home by 5." I said, answering the detective questions.

"And how do you know of this murder? Were you involved?"

"N-no." I laughed, shaking my head.

"Sir, please don't lie to us. We'll have you take an lie detector test." Detective Hatfield threatened.

"I'm positive, sir."

"He lying." Detective Collins said, exhaling the smoke from his cigarette.

"Sir, we're going to have you take an lie detector test." Hatfield said, writing something down on his paper.

The guilt, the lies, had all built up in my head. I lost it, this battle is something I couldn't win.

"Aight!" I said hitting the table.

I pulled five stacks of cash out of my pocket, sliding it to the other side of the table.

"10 grand, and I'a tell you what you want."

"10 grand? I can quit this job & never have to think about working." Collins said, retrieving the money.

"No. You can have your money, just tell us what we want to hear." Hatfield said, slapping the money on the floor.

After ten minutes of explaining everything went down that night, I let out a sigh of relief. It was now off my chest, I'm getting rid of Khalil for sure.



"You sure that's his baby?" My friend, Chyna asked.

"Yes. I know I can't get him because, that bitch, Kaylee stole him from me. So the only thing I could have from him was his child." I chuckled, picking at my nails.

"Damn, you can't keep a nigga to save your life." Chyna chuckled.

"Says the person, who just got a new dude within two days of your break up with Chance."

"Chance didn't have shit for me. He was running low on money, so he had to go."

"Gold digger." I mumbled.

"Correction, I'm the hoe of the school." She smiled.

"You ain't never lied." I sad cutting my eyes at her.

Khalil has been on my mind all day. I missed him so much. I messed up everything I had. Khalil was the greatest guy you could ask for but I wanted to hoe around & fuck one of his dudes.

If that whore, Kaylee, hadn't came in the picture, Khalil & I could've been a happy family. Only, him, I & baby Khalil.

I have to get my man back, one way or the other.


It's been a minute since I updated, but here yal go. Enjoy.

Das it. Das all.

#NationOrDie ❤

The Perfect Hood Guy. [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now