"No thank you. You guys have been incredible to Kennedy and I. Doing these little interviews is the least I can do." Stacey replied honestly and Stephanie smiled back at her as she noticed Joe approaching them.

"Hey ladies." Joe said with a pleasant smile. "Is your meeting all finished?"

"Yes, Mr. Anoa'i we are all finished and she's all yours. I need to go find Paul and talk with about tonight's card lineup. Enjoy the show tonight." Stephanie told them with a smile.

"Thanks I always do." Stacey replied. With that Stephanie turned walked down the hallway. "I thought we were meeting in catering?" Stacey turned and asked Joe.

"We were supposed to but I got bored waiting, so I figured I would come find you." He told her with a smile as he kissed the side of her forehead before taking her hand in his and began to head toward catering.

The pair entered catering and found Dean sitting at a table with plate piled high with food.

"Sorry I got tired of waiting and I was starving." Dean told the couple with a mouth full of food as they reached the table making Joe laugh and roll his eyes.

"C'mon babygirl let's get something to eat. Hopefully my boy here left food for the rest of us."

"Fuck you, not my fault you took forever." Dean countered back with a mouth full of food making Stacey and Joe laugh.

The pair was looking at the dinner options and deciding on what they were going to eat when Dean noticed Charlotte enter the room and thankfully she hadn't notice the couple. Dean watched closely as Charlotte chose a table on the other side of the room and set down her phone before glancing up toward the tables lined with food trays. Dean could swear he saw her demeanor change instantly when she saw Joe and Stacey standing together with Joe's hand protectively on Stacey's back as he guided her back to the table their table. Dean quickly looked away and back down at his plate so he didn't draw attention to the situation.

"I see there was enough food left for you." Dean stated sarcastically at his best friend as Joe set down his and Stacey's plates.

"Barely, their probably won't be anything left for anyone else though." Joe replied which earned him a dirty look from Dean and a one fingered gesture. The trio ate and talked for several minutes before they were joined by Joe's cousins Jonathan and Joshua along with Jonathan's wife Trinity. The now larger group continued to eat while the twins began to share silly and embarrassing stories about Joe from their childhood while Dean occasionally offered few from life on the road making Stacey laugh and causing Joe to curse them under his breath promising revenge at a later date.

They had finished eating when a production assist came over to the men saying they needed to go over some spots for the night that Paul was unsure of. The group walked down to the ring and boys began to work on the moves that had been requested while the girls sat in the stands and watched.

"Thank you for helping me out last night. I thought I had a few more days before Mother Nature hit." Stacey told Trinity.

"No problem, I completely understand. It happens to all of us girls out here on the road, crappy schedules, weird meal times, bad sleep patterns, you name it; it affects Aunt Flo." Trinity told her. After Paul was satisfied with the changes the group dispersed and went their separate ways to begin preparing for the show.

Dean, Joe, and Stacey were sitting in the locker room waiting for a production assistant to come get the boys for their backstage segment.

"You sure you will be okay while we are gone. I feel bad leaving you back here all alone, I should have thought about it sooner to get you a front row seat for the match." Joe told Stacey.

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