1.Waking up

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AN. In the picture is Kam (Andy Biersack) -but without any makeup- and on the cover is Luke.

Enjoy :*

Kam's pov

Where am I? I can't see a thing. I can't open my eyes. I can't move. My throat hurts.

I finally open my eyes, wishing I didn't.

I'm in a hospital room. My hand is broken and the lights are hurting my eyes.

Before I can do anything, a blonde woman came in the room and looked at me as if I was some alien.

I try to ask her to bring me some water but I only managed a groan. Her eyes went wide as if she knew what I wanted and brought me a glass of water.

"I'm going to call a doctor. You stay here." She finally said.

A doctor came shortly after and he is not what I expected. I though that he was some old man...but oh was I wrong!

He was tall, with green eyes, brown hair, and godlike face.

"Hello." And his voice is perfect! Why can't I be like that too?

Now that I think about it... I don't know how my voice sounds, I don't know what I look like... I don't even know my name!

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"I...ugh...who...?....why...?"I cringe at my own voice. I would slap myself if I could. Believe me. I would.

Seeing my face, he laughs and shakes his head.

"It's ok. You have to take it easy. You were out for three months." The doctor said.

"Three months!" I whisper-scream.

"Yes. Now we have to run some tests to make sure you're ok and then the visitors can come and see you."

*30 minutes later*

The same blonde woman I saw when I woke up came in first after the tests.

"Kameron?" She said. She is looking at me... So my name is Kameron huh...

"Who are you?" I asked. She looks familiar... But I can't remember who she is.

Her smile faded. "What?" With shaky legs she came closer to me. "You don't know who I am?" Her eyes filled with tears.

"Should I?" I asked unsure.

"Oh honey! " she cried. "I'm your mum!"

She hugged me gently. In that moment, a guy entered the room. He looks at me with a look I can't describe.

He has blue eyes and blonde hair. But...his face looks like he'd been crying all his life.

"Kam?" He sobs.

"He doesn't remember anything, Luke." She said to him, then she turned to face me. "He is Luke. Your -"

"Best friend." He interrupted her. "I missed you man." He smiled with tears in his eyes.

"Can I have a moment with him?" He asked my mum.

"Yea, sure!" She smiled. "I'll go and see when you can come home." She said to me.


No one said anything for a few minutes. We just stared at each other. And I feel like there weren't needed any words.

He looked at me with the same look, but I still can't put my finger on what those eyes hide.

"Can I hug you?" I asked without even knowing what I was doing. I just needed a hug and he was my best friend...it's normal ... Isn't it?

His eyes softened even more and he came to my bed, pulling me in a gentle hug. Not too rough, because of my hand...but hard enough so I could feel through his hug how much he missed me.

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