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January 3, 1973, California .

Your Pov

''(Y/n), can you pass me the butter please''. Mom said, and I nodded, quickly handing her the butter, as Sarah, my little sister gave me a look.  I (Y/n) Connor , am a mere 10 year old  

American girl with  long Brown hair , fair skin and greenish-blue eyes . Born in the summer of 1964, had absolutely no idea that my life was about to be suddenly turned upside down . I  was wearing a sleeveless pink top and beige pants

I  was sitting at a table , having breakfast with her father, James Connor and her mother, Allison Connor. As well as my sister Sarah Connor, at our fathers cabin which was situated by a river , That's when we  heard  someone knocking lightly on the front door of the cabin. 

Our father paused, fork frozen , halfway to his mouth .

''i'll get it''. he said , as he placed the fork on his plate , got up and walked towards the door , which was out of sight.

''James ,are you expecting anyone? ''Mom asked.

''No, I'm not...''. I  heard the door open and a male voice with an Asian accent ask''Is Sarah Connor and (Y/n) Conner here?''.  Which made me and Sarah look up from our plates , having heard our  names  . What did this mysterious man want with Us?

''My Daughters are in here , but may I ask , why you want to see her ? ''. Dad asked curiously , Me and Sarah got up when we  heard our father let out a gasp , followed by a loud shotgun blast which startled us.  .Sarah cried out in horror when she saw our fathers upper body and head hit the floor, a large bloody hole sitting in the middle of his forehead ,as blood poured out of the hole , gradually forming a red puddle.

Mom  immediately turned towards us, with wide eyes. ''(Y/n) , I want you to Take you're siser and run towards the lake , hide yourselves  under the dock . Go''.

I didn't question our mother, I got up , and grabbed Sarah and ran for the back door . My heart racing at a million miles per hour , while tears welled up in my eyes . Iflinched and stumbled when I heard another loud bang, which was followed by Our mother crying out in pain .

Halfway to the lake , there was another loud bang, followed by and eerie silence ,as we  quickly but quietly dragged ourselves through the lake , underneath the dock and hid there, my heartbeat pounding away in my chest , as I held my little sister to my chest.

We then heard light footsteps as the killer of our mother and father began to cross the dock . ''Shh''. I said, as Sarah cried , as the footsteps got closer until the footsteps stopped above us. We screamed and scrambled, when the man turned his hole arm into a silver sword and tore away several wooden planks , and we looked through watery eyes at the killer of our parents. He wore a cop outfit, he was tall and skinny , black hair which stood flat on his head. Me and Sarah ,  froze in fear when the man heaved and lifted his shotgun , and leveled it with our chest . His finger curled around the trigger , but never got to pull it back .

We heard another gunshot which sounded more powerful, and saw it hit the man square in the chest , causing a small explosion and throwing him back.  while the shotgun clattered into the water , next to us. If the sounds of crashing were any indication , then we  knew our would be killer had been thrown back into the cabin.

We cringed upon hearing more footsteps . Was this newcomer here to save or kill us ? I  was hoping it was the former .We got her answer , when a blond  haired woman , wearing a red leather outfit entered my vision , looked down at us with an expressionless face , her piercing blue eyes, matching mine.

''(Y/n) Connor, and Sarah Connor ?''.  She asked , studing us  . We frantically nodded and felt over joyed when she said.

''Come with me if you want to live. I promise I will never let anyone hurt you two ''. she said extending her hands down towards us. We both  took one  and we were  pulled gently by our savior and Sarah was lifted off the ground , while I was set back onto the ground . Following the woman as she began to carry her away.

''Thank you''. I said.

The Woman nodded and took Sarah and me away from the dock , towards a truck .

''What was that guy?''. I asked , fearfully as Sarah laid her head on our  saviors shoulder .

''He, or to be specific , it is a series 1000 , resistance infiltrator terminator, Model t-1000 that has mimetic polyalloy, which was sent back in time to kill you , to change humanity's future .

''Now go get in the truck I will meet you there''. The Woman  said, gently placing Sarah down.

We immediately ran for the truck , opened the door and sat in the passengers seat , before looking out the window ,what  we saw stunned us .We watched, the woman turn her hand into a gun shaped thing. And shoot at the cabin , making it burst into flames.

'Whaaaaaat' I thought ,as the leather clad woman walked back up to the truck , opened the door and sat in the drivers seat. she started the engine and drove off into the woods , leaving me and Sarah  devastated and frightened . Sarah curled up into the seat next to me , traumatized after the aftermath of what happened

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