2) First day at Beacon Hills Highschool

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I woke to the piercing sound of my phone alarm and pulled the covers back over my head. It was Monday already, and I wasn't fully prepared to start school, especially since it was halfway through the school year. Eventually I'd had enough of the stupid loop of the alarm and managed to reach out and turn it off. I lay like that for a couple of minutes, staring at the cracks of sunlight that had seeped through my blinds and had started to illuminate the yellow cremé of my walls. Eugh that colour was horrid.

I dragged myself out of my bed, grabbed the first pair of black skinny jeans I saw and started my hunt for a shirt. I must have spent a full ten minutes rummaging through random boxes until I realised that there was a box labelled 'clothes'. Cursing myself, I shuffled over and started to look through it. God I really did have the ugliest of clothes, I needed to buy a new wardrobe asap. I settled with a Get Scared tee and looked at the time, 7:50. Okay, plenty of time. I got washed and changed, fixed my bed head so that my bangs looked decent and covered myself in aftershave incase I got extremely nervous and started to sweat. I knew it was probably going to happen anyway, but better safe than sorry. Throwing on a pair of black converse, I grabbed my backpack and made my way downstairs.

"Your moms having a lie-in so keep it down." I heard my dad shout from the kitchen.

"Hypocrite." I muttered making my way down the hallway towards him.

He stood by the sink in his obvious new work uniform drinking a cup of coffee. I threw my bag down by the kitchen island and took a seat on one of the stools.

"What time does your shift start?" I asked leaning on the marble worktop.

"Soon." He replied, setting down his half empty cup and walking out towards the coat rack.

"Hey dad, will you be able to drop me to school?" I looked down, nervously playing with the hem of my jeans.

"Are you ready now?" I heard him call between the rustling of coats.

"Uh yeah." I sighed, reaching across the worktop to grab an apple from the fruit bowl in the middle.

"Then let's go." I heard the jingle of his car keys and grabbed my backpack and coat before following him out the door.


My dad pulled up in the school parking lot, which was embarrassing not because I was 16 and being left to school on my first day, but because I was in a top of the range deputy's police car. Obviously that was going to gain a few stares. I muttered my goodbye and climbed out of the car, automatically feeling a wave of anxiety. My dad beeped the horn and waved to me before driving off. So now I was officially left to fend for myself.

First of all, I had to find my way to the main reception. It's not like I was psychic and knew my way around or the classes I was going to. We where told that the principal would wait outside for me so he could give me a hand, but apparently he was no where to be seen. I kept my head down, avoiding the curious stares of the other pupils. Of course they'd stare, who could miss a new kid? It's like they give off an aura that all teenage students can feel.

It didn't take be long before I found the reception and had awkwardly tip toed up to the desk. A middle aged woman had sat behind it, her hair starting to go gray at the roots, faint wrinkles becoming more visible on her face, small gold framed glasses balanced on the tip of her nose. She seemed approachable, so I cleared my throat.

Green eyes shot daggers at me from under the glasses, "Can I help you?"

"Uh, my name's Nathan, I'm meant to be starting today." I watched my fingers as I tapped lightly on the desk, there was no way I wanted to make eye contact with this woman.

"And?" She didn't move, she just sat there glaring at me.

I felt my pulse rise and knew that I was starting to panic, "I was wondering if maybe you could give me like a map and my timetable.. Please?"

She sighed loudly and spun her chair over to a large filing cabinet. Before long she'd handed me my timetable and told me that if I needed directions then to ask for them. I know the saying 'don't judge a book by its cover' is a little cliché, but God do I now believe it. She was the meanest old hag I'd ever met. And I thought grannies where supposed to be loving.

The first school bell rang, making me jump. I clung to the sheet of paper in my hand and quickly skimmed over it. So I had History for a hour, science then break is at half 11.. It's not that bad, I only have to find my way to two places. Starting now...


The bell finally went for break, luckily, my teacher let me out for a 'bathroom break' so I beat the rush of people who wanted to get to the cafeteria. I just stood awkwardly in the hallway beside the guys bathroom. People occasionally bumped into me or glared at me for being in the way of their path, but other than that no one was bothering me. Which made me relax a little more, I didn't want to embarrass myself just yet. It started to get stuffy, so I decided to move and turned to walk down to the exit doors so I could sit outside but instead I walked straight into a guy coming out of the bathroom. He was a least a head taller than me, his hair was so short at the sides that it made him look like an egg, his clothes screamed 'rich kid' even though didn't particularly suit them and the look on his face that was probably meant to be anger made him look constipated.

"Watch it." He hissed at me before walking off, purposely walking into me in the process and half dragging me to the floor.

Pushing myself back up, I looked up to see him grinning at me before turning away. Eugh he was so pathetic. Surprisingly, my shoulder still hurt a little. I reached up to hold it while I balanced myself back on my feet.

"Hey, you okay?" I heard a young but strong voice call from behind me.

I slowly turned my head around to look at him. He was taller than me too, but he seemed nicer. His dark brown hair neatly trimmed and gelled, his skin tanned, his hand resting on the strap of his back pack and his eyes showing nothing but concern.

"Ye-yeah, I'm good thanks."

He had a weird aura about him, it was almost as if I knew right away that I could trust him, like I'd known him for longer than the two seconds I'd been staring at him.

He smiled kindly at me, "Don't worry about Jackson, he's just.. an asshole."

I laughed a little, "Yeah I could tell."

"Is your shoulder okay?"

I nodded, but I was lying. It hurt every time I moved it.

"Hey, you're new here, right?" He moved forward a little, suddenly giving off an aura of excitement.

"Uh, yeah. I just started today."

His smile grew wider, "Yeah, we where told we where gonna have a 'new student' joining our year... Hey, do you wanna come and sit with us? Us meaning me and my friends, we'd be happy to have you and we're in the same year so..?"

As awkward as I felt, I took up his offer. I had to look at it logically, if I bumped into that guy Jackson again, I mean physically bump into him, he could break one of my bones. But if I'm with this guy I can just hide behind him. It's one of the pros of having a tall ass friend.

"So what's your name?" He asked as we started to walk towards the doors.

"Oh, I'm Nathan." I reached my hand out to shake his.

He shook my hand firmly and smiled at me again, "Nice to meet you, I'm Scott."

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