Thank you!

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Home alone with no one
Except my twin and cat
It's suppose to be OUR DAY
Where we're showered with love
Surrounded by people
But instead we're in different rooms
Maybe it's a good thing
I can look back at the 13 years of my life
The goods
The bads
I'll laugh
I'll smile
I'll cry
I'll hurt
So much has happened
I survived 13 yrs
With amazing people by my side
No, I didn't have a boyfriend
I'm in 7th grade
I have guy+girl friends
I'm fine with that
Sitting at home
Bored af
Writing this
I want to thank all of my friends
Thanks for being here in my life
Sure you weren't there for all of my life
But from the moment I met you
To now
You've impacted me
I've learned from you all....
Thank you! 

__eleanor__ you've been with me since 3rd grade.  And you NEVER JUDGE ME! Your with me through thick and thin. Usually I sound really weird or bizarre to people but you just get me and understand, you can also read my mind because you already know what I'm gonna say. And if I like a guy you know before I even know! You can tell me the truth while making me feel better somehow! Sometimes your mysterious and cryptic which is annoying! However, I can literally tell you anything! If I told you I murdered someone you wouldn't call the police you'll sit me down and hear my side of the story.... Then call the police and talk everything out with me. We never get into serious fights, because you and me can see past the stupid things that usually pull friends apart! You're a pain in the a$$ but I fuc.king love you!!!!(Do you SEE SEE what I'm getting at?)
P.S never forget how beautiful you are and how amazing you are!!!!!
P.P.S I think we should get an award for how amazing and funny our inside jokes are..... Then again they wouldn't understand.(#CrewCrew)

VictoriaCheung663 We were friends in 4th grade and reunited in 6th grade. Your annoying but I love you. Your innocent with is good for me because sometimes I need someone to keep me in check! Okay, you're not THAT innocent but compared to me..... Your very very innocent! Which isn't a bad thing at all! I mean sure you flipped me off and say F.U! to me but that's besides the point. Your very sensitive, which isn't bad, I usually suppress my emotions so when i'm around I sometimes become sensitive. Your a shoulder I can lean on and someone I can just tell anything to. I can just tell because of your personal and your sweetness that you'll easily find true love... Your honestly the sweetest and your so pretty and skinny! Don't ever forget that.... Oh btw I'm gonna steal your dogs and RJ rn, and me, RJ, your dogs, and my cat are gonna start a new life together! Byee!!)

Gummies3 Your the NICEST and SWEETEST person I have ever met. Sure you've cheated on me but on a serious note... Your really sweet and kind. If somethings bothering me I can just tell you and you'll cheer me right up! I don't know how you're always so positive but when I'm around you, you always have happy vibes floating around you! You can cheer me up even on days that I think I won't even make it to tomorrow, you can always make me smile, your soo amazing!And tbh your soo pretty! (DONT STEAL MY CAT)

mooima Are relationship is complicated.... We've gone from stranger, to "friends", to friends, to best friends, to "friends", to enemies, to "friends", to friends to now. You've always been around, even though sometimes I didn't want you to. Since somehow you've stuck around this must be a sign right?! Right?! Or am I crazy, well actually we're both crazy!

Tigereye35 TBH your gonna be a model when you grow up! I can totally see it. You're so pretty and skinny, perfect for a Victoria's Secret model. You can also be a singer, or a youtuber or a fashion designer or anything! I can also trust you and you're always up to about someone and gossip. Your so talented and I'm so lucky to be your friend... Just remember me when you're famous okay?

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