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//Hayli Downes//

I exhaled slowly, returning to the  boys, Lucas not moving. Zach gestured for me to sit on his lap, but I declined his offer, despite wanting to accept. I took took a seat next to Jesse and Brandon, occasionally looking back at Lucas who was scrolling through his phone. Something felt strange, but I wasn't entirely sure what it was.

I studied my surroundings. There weren't many people in the shopping centre, which was really unusual. The boring grey concrete floor had tiny cracks spread throughout it with a shiny wax-like finish on top. Every shop was exploding with colour. This was my go-to place ever since I moved to Sydney. Even just sitting on one of the benches was interesting.

Jes and Brandon went outside for a smoke, Jeremy ended up following them, leaving myself with Zach, Mikey and Lucas wandering the shopping centre. Still, Lucas hadn't said a word to me. My fingers met Lucas' every so often, but he just pulled his hand away. What was this all about? He was probably just p**sed that I was spending more time with the other boys than I was with him. Hopefully it would all go away after I went back home.

We went into Target for a while and browsed the shop. Zach and Mikey were looking at video games while I was looking at the books, as I usually did whilst at Target. Lucas was with Zach and Mikey, leaving me on the other side of the store, so I decided to see what they were all getting up to. I approached the brunette boys and smiled to myself. They were all engrossed in a demo version of some game I'd never heard of, yelling and cursing amongst themselves. Honestly, it was pretty cute.

We went to go find Jes, Jer and Brandon about half an hour later, so we walked out of Target. It was pretty pointless going into the shop, as we left with nothing. We went to the food court -our agreed meeting place- and looked around for them. I spotted Jesse near a frozen yogurt place. The other two emerged from around the corner moments later. Well, at least we didn't loose the idiots. I thought to myself.

I walked towards the boys and smiled. Brandon had a shopping bag from Platypus Shoes, which I later found out was a new pair of Vans. He clearly needed them judging by the holes in the ones he was wearing. Jeremy had his head in his phone, as per usual. While Jesse was awkwardly standing there, towering over my short figure.

After a few minutes, Jesse abruptly shouted out "Yo, I'm hungry. You guys up for pizza?"

We all agreed and decided to get take out from a local shop and eat at Lucas and I's house. I made sure we got a supreme, but we also got a Hawaiian, veggie delight and a meat lovers.

Arriving at my house, I noticed the boys had gotten there before us and were all having a smoke again, except Mikey who was on the phone with someone; probably The Neighbourhood's tour manager. Jer glanced me and smiled as Lucas unlocked the door. We all headed inside and dug in to our delicious pizza.

All six of us sat on the shaggy white rug in the lounge room. The four pizzas were spread around the coffee table, allowing us all to reach. I was seated in between Zach and Lucas... Well, more like I was sitting half on Zach next to Lucas. Zach smelt incredible, like mint, tobacco and aftershave of some description. Everyone, particularly Lucas would probably have thought I was getting too comfortable with Zach, but come on, he was my absolute best friend.

We were all silent as we ate, clearly enjoying the pizza too much... Especially me. I turned the T.V. on and flicked through the guide looking for anything that may be interesting. I saw nothing, so decided to start a conversation instead.

"So guys, how's the band going? Making any new music?" I asked. I was embarrassed in a way to admit it, but I adored The NBHD's music.

"Yeah, we're writing a little bit on the road and that." Brandon says excitedly, as a grin formed on his face.

"And most of our shows are getting sold out or close to it, which is pretty dope." Jesse exclaims.

Zach nods as he licks tomato sauce off from below his lip.

We continued talking about their band for a while and then put on a horror movie.


The movie had ended over 20 minutes ago, yet my heart was still thumping hard in my chest. I was never one for scary things. Zach moved back beside me 10 minutes into the movie. I caught him looking  at me every so often, making me feel somewhat... Safe. I had only ever watched a few horror movies, and they weren't very scary at all. Mikey fell asleep, Jeremy and Jesse were on their phones upstairs, Brandon appeared to be daydreaming and, well, Zach, Lucas and I were all bored out of our minds. To be honest, the night wasn't as bad as I thought it might've been.

//Zach Abels//

I had no idea how Hayli could tolerate Lucas. He was such a d**khead honestly. He wouldn't even talk to Hayli. What was his deal?

"I'm going to bed." Lucas says bluntly, heading towards the stairs.

Hayli nodded, you could see sadness creep into her eyes as soon as he said that. She seemed to be doing okay until he said that. I couldn't believe it, he didn't even say he loved her! Her silky, long brown hair draped down her back, contrasting with her fair skin. Hayli's emerald eyes glanced at Lucas a final time before staring down into her lap.

I wanted to hug Hayli so badly and tell her everything was going to be fine between her and Lucas, but I didn't know if it was going to be. They were drifting apart so quickly. It saddened me to see her sad, but honestly, Lucas was an a** and Hayli deserved somebody better; someone who made her happy.

I had known Hayl since I was 5. She was 4 when I met her. She was really tall for her age, but she's not very tall now. Only maybe 5'2. She used to love to sing, but she doesn't do it now; not in front of anyone anyway. I remember Hayli, Mikey and I were the best friends in the world back when we were young. We met Jesse, Jeremy and Brandon in middle school. Hayl moved halfway through grade 7. I was devastated when she moved, so was Mikey and the other guys.

Hayli and I had been cuddling for about 30 minutes after Lucas left. We were having a discussion about what she wanted to do for a living. She slowly started drifting into sleep in my arms. I smiled softly. I carefully got off the couch and switched off the television. Taking a seat on an armchair, I began to softly sing one of my bands songs, The Beach. I didn't usually sing much, and if I did, it was backup vocals. I wasn't confident in my voice, but I sung anyway... For Hayli.

"If I told you that I loved you, tell me what would you say?
If I told you that I hated you, would you go away?
Now I need your help with everything that I do
I don't want to lie, I've been relying on you"

I paused briefly, unsure of whether to continue or not. I kept going though.
"Falling again, I need a pick-me-up
I've been calling a friend, might need to give it up
I'm sick, and I'm tired too
I can admit I am not fireproof
I feel it burning me
I feel it burning you
I hope I don't murder me
I hope I don't burden you
If I do, I do"

When I had finished singing, I noticed the faint smile on Hayli's lips. She really was beautiful, especially in the vulnerable state of sleep. Her personality was beautiful too. She had such a caring and quiet nature... Until you get to know her. When you're her best friend, she's completely different: noisy, goofy, a bit of a party animal and let's just say she's a dirty minded b**ch. I smiled and slouched down into the chair making myself comfortable before falling asleep smiling, thinking of her.


A/N: hey guys! Sorry I took so long to update haha.
I know this is really uninteresting so far, but I promise that over time, update by update it will improve.

Just wanted to mention _Sugglet2001 in this author's note. She is one of my absolute best friends and is my favourite Wattpad author. Shoutout to her for editing this chapter too haha! Please go check her books out, especially if you like Joe Sugg or Justin Bieber. Her works are so good!

Anyway, I'll try to update again soon!

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