It kinda shocked me that Jefferson really was dead.

"But wait"

Max suddenly said with a serious face.

"If you are alive, then who's body did we saw?!"

I kinda panicked with that. they didn't just assume i was dead, they actually saw a body?!

"Wait a second, you actually found a body?!"

I said asked with disbelief. My whole body started to tingle and my head felt like it was in the edge of bursting open and exploding my brains everywhere. I felt gross.

"Wait, that means that there is another dead/missing person in Arcadia and nobody noticed?!"

Chloe asked, raising her eyebrows, i saw and heard at the tone of her voice that she was shocked.

I sit up in the hospital bed.

"Che did you tell anyone about that body?!"

I asked Chloe staring at her as intimidating as I could. 

"No, we didn't tell anyone yet!"

"Dammit Chloe!"

I said and looked at her with a mad expression my face. 

"Okay enough about the body, its gonna make me sick" 

Max said and looked at us.

I giggled nervously.

"Fine, fine, but I need to get the hell out of here and tell everyone I'm okay"

Chloe smiled. My heart skipped a beat. It had been a long time since I had seen her genuinely happy.

"Yeah that's true, we didn't actually get the time to tell anybody you're alive..."

Max looked at me.

"Yeah, we have been here the whole time with you..."

I smiled at them, they really stayed here for me? I know how freaked out Chloe must have been. She hates hospitals because of her dad's accident.

"Its okay. And thanks.."

I look over to Chloe.

"But you should let your mom know where you are Che or she is gonna ground your ass..."

Chloe frowned, clearly fighting back a laugh.

"Yeah maybe I should, we wouldn't want grounded Chloe ass now would we?"

We all laughed a bit.

Chloe grabbed my arm and Squeezed it lightly before grabbing her phone and leaving the room.

Max looked at me.

"Wowzers... its so wierd seeing you alive after everyone assumed you were dead..."

I bit my lip thoughtfully.

"Did everybody really think i was dead?"

I asked her.

Tears were welling up from my eyes.

Max looked down.

"Yeah they did..."

I look down.

I try to focus on something else, but it's hard.

I study my hands and play a bit with one of my bracelets.

"But how is everybody doing? Kate, Victoria, Juliet, Dana, Frank?"

Max looked up at me with a serious look on her face. 

"Oh yeah, you didn't know..."

I got confused.

My heart already started racing.

Something happened,

For a moment I'm speechless,

frozen in time almost.

"What don't i know?"

I asked her in panic. I look at her with big, scared eyes.

"Kate tried to-...."

Max stopped talking.

She was crying...

I put my hand on her shoulder, and with the other one I looked my finger under her chin, bringing her head up.

"She tried to what Max?!"

Max took a deep breath.

I wiped a tear off her face with my thumb and I stare into her eyes.

"What did she try?"

"K-Kate tried to jump off a roof..."

I was speechless again.

Everything blurred around me.

"N-No! What the fuck! When i last saw her she was so- so happy and full of life! What happened?!"

I stuttered, but I didn't care.

"I stopped her, she is fine..."

I sighed in relief.

"Oh my god, you and Chloe are legit heroes!"

I pulled Max into a hug.

Max smiled and squeezed me tightly.

"We are all so happy you are alive Rachel!"

At that moment, Chloe walked into the room.

She stopped and looked at us two hugging with big eyes.

"Fuck, am i interrupting?!"

I quickly let go of Max and I start to giggle nervously. 

I smiled at her.

"Joyce is making her way over here, I just told her I was in the hospital so it will be a suprise for her!"

I laughed.

Ten minutes later we heard footsteps.

Joyce came into the door.

For a second Joyce froze.

Her hair was messy and mascara run.

She just stares.

I smile at her.

"Hey Joyce"


Joyce screamed in happyness. 

She ran to me and gave me a hug.

"You're alive! You're okay!" 

She hugged me tightly.

"Yeah, i'm fine"

I said and smiled.

We sat there and talked for the rest of the day.

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