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i open my eyes slightly and i quickly close them again because of the bright light.

Where the hell am i?! 

The thought goes through my head quickly. someone is holding my hand. i turn my head a little  and i open my eyes again, i look into bright blue eyes.


 i say with a weak and soft voice. It hurts to talk.


a big smile appears on Chloes face and she puts her hand on her mouth.

"oh my doG, you are alive!"

she said excited and hugged me tightly. i try to hug her back, but im very weak, everything hurts.

"its okay Rach, you are gonna be okay!"

she smiles at me and squeezes my hand lightly. In what is supposed to be a reassuring way.

"where am i?"

i asked Chloe a little bit confused.

"We are at the hospital Rach, oh my doG, we are finally back together again.."

she says in a reliefed voice.

"did y-you save me Chloe..?

i ask and make a weak smile at Chloe. she smiles back at me, i missed that shit-eating grin of her, as annoying as it could humanly be.

"Not just me Rach.."

she says and smiles. i raise an eyebrow. Chloe points at somebody sitting across the hospital room.

its a shy brunette, with adorable freckles, she looks about the same age as us, she was wearing a black shirt with a red deer skull. she looks up at me but immideantly looks away when i look into her eyes.


i say, with a soft and warm smile.

the brunette quickly looks at me again.


she stutters.

"Im Rachel"

i say and immideantly regret it.

You idiot! ofcourse she knows who you are...

i say to myself.

The girl looks at me and a smile appears on her face.

"I know, Everybody in Arcadia Bay does, there are missing posters all over town! And B.T.W, my name is Max"

I smile at her, and she smiles back at me.

"So, im guessing you are the Max that i've been told so much about?"

Max grins and looks at Chloe.  Chloe puts on a big, shit-eating grin. I giggle, Chloe hasn't changed much since i was gone.

Suddenly Chloe's face turns a lot more serious.

"But Rachel, what happend?"

I look up at Chloe and sigh.

"Well i was at a party and i was having fun and drinking like everybody else, but then, suddenly Nathan appeared in front of my face and asked me if i would come with him for a second, but when we were outside he drugged me..."

A tear rolled out of my eye.

"I'm so sorry Chloe, i didn't want to leave you behind for so long! I should have taken your advice..."

Chloe hugged me tightly.

"Its gonna be okay Rachel, its gonna be fine, Nathan is locked up en Jefferson is dead."

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