Into Deep? (Part 2)

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~ Part 2 ~

“shit” I cursed under my breath.

Michael appeared at my side snaking his arm round my waist keeping me close to him almost making sure i wouldn't run away from him.

“So you’re just gonna change and then we can leave right?” He asked me. 

“Well yes and no. my dad’s home”

i started to question whether or not i actually wanted to bring Michael in or not. My dad knew a lot of people and a lot of people knew Michael for who/what he was maybe my dad would know him and freak out or something. I gulped and looking around me.

The look on Michael’s face when i looked up to him didn’t look too pleased. But something clicked in his eyes and he just simply smiled at me and took my hand.  Unlocking the door I led the way in and made my presence known as the door shut behind me, my dad popped out the kitchen doorway smiling till he noticed Michael’s figure behind me and it soon faded.

“Hey dad” I smiled

“Who’s this?” my dad peered at Michael.

Reaching a hand out from behind me he lent forward. I watched as my father took Michael’s hand and shook it.

“I’m Michael it’s nice to meet you sir”

“Nice to meet you” he faked a smile “Erm sweetie can I talk to you for a second in the kitchen please”

I looked behind a Michael and nodded

“Sure, Michael you can sit in the living room I’ll be back in a minute” maybe

Leaving Michael in the living room with my younger sister Abby who sat watching television while dad and I walked out the room. Shutting the door behind him my dad looked at me


“You don’t phone or text and then you come home with a random boy, what’s that all about?”

“I’m sorry if I worried you but I’m fine”

“I get it, I was just worried”

“Dad I don’t touch alcohol and wouldn’t not after everything we’ve been through, I wouldn’t do that to you or Abby and you know that”

“I know sweetie, I’m sorry I shouldn’t say it or even think you’d do that, you aren't anything like that. I just got worried thats all, i shouldn't have -" i cut him off

“But you did – forget it. I’m gonna get changed and then I’m going back out with Michael I probably won’t be back”

“Lily you know I didn’t –“

“Dad I know, forget it”

I walked out the kitchen and ran up the stairs and headed straight to my room. I grabbed my Lusby jack wills duffle bag and put some clothes in it and grabbed my tooth brush and shoved it in before changing into a pair of skinny jeans and a baggy cream jumper and pulled on my brown ankle boots over my white socks and headed down stairs. Before making my presence known I watched as Michael sat with my 6 year old sister drawing pictures with her and smiling.

“I’m ready” I spoke sitting down next to Abby looking at Michael who nodded at me “I’ll see you soon ok” I told Abby placing a kiss on her forehead

“You not coming to grandma’s?” She asked almost pleading

“No not this time, I’m going with Michael but I’ll see you on Wednesday though I promise” kissing her forehead again I got up and said goodbye to Abby and my dad and left with Michael.

When we got back to Michaels I placed my bag next to the unit at the front door and removed my shoes. Sitting next to Michael on the sofa and he flicked through many channels never settling for one before he just turned the TV off and turned to look at me.

“I noticed when we were at your family’s home all the family pictures on the wall and mantel piece that none of them had your mum in them…why?”

I couldn’t look at Michael. I’d always hated my mum, and I especially hated talking about her to people I barely knew, having to explain my family to other people made me uncomfortable but sometimes it helped to in a way. I played with the cuff of my jumper, chewing on the bottom of my lip.

“After Abby was born my mum she erm, she got bad. She started drinking – a lot” I paused “I was 13 so I kind of understood it but not much my dad was protective of what I did and didn’t know. My mum would go out on nights out with people we didn’t know or had never heard of, she’d go out for 5 nights not calling or texting to let us know she was ok and then come home drunk and – and –“ I knew I was crying but I didn’t want to admit it. I couldn’t look up and look at Michael but I didn’t have to, he appeared at my side and hugged me “she would scream and shout at my dad blaming him for her drinking problem, it’d wake me and Abby up and I’d go in and take care of Abby try and settle her but mum wouldn’t stop screaming so most nights I’d run downstairs and I’d shout at mum to shut up and stop shouting, it led to her and I arguing and then her hitting me and my dad would get her off me and shut her in the bathroom till her sobered up. Even when she was sober she was a bitch still blamed my dad and I’d take Abby for walks just to get her away from it. When Abby was 6 months old, I came home from the park with Abby one day and my dad was crying in the kitchen and my mum was locked in the bathroom kicking and screaming. I put Abby in her play pen in the living room and shut the door behind me and then ran into the kitchen to my dad. My mum heard me and she started threatening to kill us if she didn’t get out, that she hated us and that it was all our fault for her drinking problem.” I was rambling and crying a lot “dad called the police and she arrested her, they took her away and she never came back and hasn’t ever, for the last 6 years it’s been my dad, Abby and I”

Michaels silence didn’t shock me it was how most people reacted to our messed up family story. He still didn’t say anything for 5 minutes he just held me. I liked how he sat next to me and pulled me close to him and rubbed my back and kissed head not like everyone else who would place a hand on my knee and tell me "everythin's ok now don't worry" i hated that. it was to repetative and over used.

“I’ll protect you from all bad to come, I promise” Michael told me

I wasn’t entirely sure as to what he meant by “all bad to come” but my gut told me it wasn’t at all good it led me to question was i already in a bit too deep with Michael? I’d already exposed him to my family and our secret after one day of knowing him. But in true fact I didn’t really know him, all I knew was his name, where he stayed and that the way people viewed him wasn’t entirely correct. He was trouble and I couldn’t let any more trouble into life.

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