The Kid Next Door: Chapter 1

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     After grabbing my bag and keys, I walked outside my apartment and locked the door. As I turned around I locked eyes with that kid again. 

     I knew he lived next door, I'd seen him there quite often. He had his key in his hand and his old and dirty school bag hanging off of his bony shoulders. I'd never met his mother or his father, they never seemed to be home. 

     "Are you walking to school?" I asked him. The nearest middle school was about a hour's walk from here and he seemed to be about that age.

     He nodded and shoved his keys into the pocket of his old worn out cargo pants. He began walking down the stairs to the ground floor, and I chased him.

     "Here let me drive you." I said He shook his head and kept walking. I stayed right behind him all the way out the door. I put a hand on his shoulder gently and he pulled away. "Please let me give you a ride." I said recieving a look that I couldn't decipher. 

     "I said I didn't need one." He said coldly. 

     "I insist." I said. 

     "If I let you give me a ride will you leave me alone?" He asked rudely. I nodded and walked towards my car. He got into the back seat. "What's your name?" He didn't answer. "How old are you?" Silence. "C'mon. I don't bite. You can talk to me." I said comfortingly.

     "Jeremy. I'm 13. In middle school." He said begrudgingly. I smiled. "My names Link. I'm 32. (I know Link isn't 32). I work as a YouTuber with my best friend Rhett." I smile hoping he will ask some questions. He doesn't. I don't push to get anything else out of him. 

     We ride in silence to the middle school where he gets out. I watch him walk up to the school and go in. "What a strange kid..." I say out loud to myself and pull out of the parking lot and head towards the studio for work. 

~ A/N ~ Hey! This is the first chapter of my Rhett and Link fanfic. Sorry it's so short. Hope y'all like it! This was not my idea I got it from SecretJungle88. I'm very excited to open my account to more types of fanfiction for things I like and hopefully y'all like it! Alright! Bye! 

Be your mythical best!!!

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