Prologue "Arthur Rain"

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What was the first creation that people called a game? No one will ever know, as how could someone point out what was the first game in history. Even defining what should be considered a game is difficult. This question could be put next to other impossible to answer mysteries like 'how humankind came to be?', 'what is the meaning of life?' or 'what came first, the chicken or the egg?'. There is a reason as to why no one asks the question as to 'what was the first game in history?' as it doesn't really matter what that first game was. New games and new ideas are definitely much more interesting than anything that deserves to be called the first game. That is at least my hope.



In the outskirts of Lakelin city, there stood an empty house in which no one turn on the light for few years now. Today, or rather this night this fact changed as the living room on the first floor was light up. Inside that living room on the large brown coach sit a 'person' who was currently watching a recording of a program from two years ago.

The program was an interview with an old man in a brown suit conducted by the show presenter. By now the introduction was already done and the interview moved to the main topic.

-so, this game is different from all other games that we know of so far?


-a confident answer indeed but you should know that every developer will say the same thing about their games and yet somehow it's been ages since we truly saw something new, something different. While the new virtual reality gear created by your company was a milestone in area of virtual reality development, the games that came out for this new platform so far weren't anything revolutionary.

-that might be so, but it hardly has anything to do with my company. Still, if you already touch on this subject then, let me just say that development of our VR technology was indeed, a great success. But, as great of success it was, it was just a single first step towards the true goal which we are about to reach. As for the other games that use our platform you mentioned, they sure aren't bad and I enjoyed few of them myself but they still didn't reach the actual potential of what VR game should be or what our newest platform is capable off.

-yes, it's true that a new game platform can truly shine only when there is a good game that shows its capabilities. But a game like that can be made only by those, who truly understand the platform. This is why everyone is excited about the announcement about this upcoming game. So returning to the topic, what makes this game different and hopefully better than others?

-well... before I say anything I should correct you and all future players who look forward to our creation. Everyone should know that our company is not game creators but rather inventors. What we made is not game software but rather an artificial intelligence.

-..., well an AI is fairly common nowadays but I don't see your point.

-just wait and listen. The artificial intelligence that we made was incredibly complicated in its creation and for that we needed a lot of funds. That was the main reason that we had to release our VR gear that early. Originally it was going to come out at the same time as the two are strictly connected with each other.

-so you are saying that all this money that you earned was just a side effect? You become one of top five richest people of the world.

-yes, our 'capsules' made me rich, but being rich, as much as appealing it is, had never been my main objective. Can you buy yourself a dream with money alone?

-that depends on the dream but let's return to the topic of this interview. Tell us, how that AI is related to the game you will release.

-I was just getting to it. Our AI has the skills of the greatest people in the industry, as well as my vision of creation.

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