Chapter 2

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4 years later

I opened my eyes slowly it hurt almost as my eyes were so bruised. A plain white room was seen, no windows, just one bright light in the centre. One plain white bed, a toilet and a door with a small window. Blood stains could be seen all around. I lifted my head up looking down at the familiar restraints on my wrests and ankles. 4 years of torture and experiments, they had found a way to enhance my healing factor making me heal instantly and now I can hear and know when someone or something is coming 5 seconds in advance. Not the best powers according to the doctors which is why I haven't been sold off to the highest bidder as they say. I sighed swallowing and put my head back down. Madness was beginning to take over as everyday now I could feel my mind slipping further and further away. I looked at the plain celling studying the cracks as I always have, wishing the celling would break away to I could see the sky again. I then had a vision of Dr Yates coming through the door. He then did just that. Dr Yates had been my main doctor for these past 4 years, he had always beaten me and haunted me which I am still scared from. A year back he dragged me in here after I had said to him that I wasn't scared of him and he beat me until I was too weak to move and forced him self on me. I have had worse things happen to me here but I'll never forget it and all it has done is made me fear him and all men. He stood over me smirking. He was bald with glasses in his late 30's. He had scratches up his arms from the other patients fighting back and his knuckles were bright red where he had beaten them.

"You know get fucking uglier and uglier ever time I see you" I laughed in almost a evil manner showing how mad I was becoming.

"Your going to have fun with what's in store for you today subject 1448, a new drug has arrived and maximum torture is needed to activate this one" he smiled evilly.

"I'm used to it" I said slowly giving him the most evil stare I could. His smile died and two men came in undoing my restraints and grabbing my arms tightly leading me out of the room. Once I was led out I saw the other patients, some laid on the floor in a bloody mess as the doctors attempted to drag them back to their room, others struggled as they were being led to their next experiment and some just stood and looked through the window of their room, they did look very mad indeed as I could hear chuckles every now and again. I was then was restrained to another bed and Dr Yates held a needle with a yellow fizzy liquid in it. He smirked flicking it making it ping.

"What's this one supposed to do" I said looking up to the celling.

"It enhances mutations or creates new ones" he explained as he slipped it into my arm. I didn't flinch, it was a pain I was used too.

~time skip 4 hours~

I was being dragged by my arms back to my room. I had been beaten, suffocated, electrocuted and put in a ice bath for the majority of the time. I had then been  stabbed up my thighs, they weren't deep maybe a centimetre but it was too test my healing factor and only they hadn't healed yet so a trail of blood was left was I was being dragged along. I was bleeding out my mouth as well and the flickering lights over head kept passing by like cars on a road as I looked up. I laughed to myself.

"You know what! Some day in going to kill you Yates!!! I'm going to come and find your sorry ass and make you suffer a long and very painful death.....for what you have done to me and your men did to my family" I laughed. Dr Yates stopped in his tracks and turned making the men dragging me stop. He walked around the men to face me and bent down to my level. I then spat the blood from my mouth on his face.

"You fucking bitch" he shouted and started punching me. The men let go off me and walked away. Dr Yates had super human strength so his punches were much worse than the others. Every punch he took hurt even more and I gasped and cried in pain. He stopped and stood up getting a cloth to wipe the blood of his face.

"The experiment failed, she isn't healing anymore nor can she have visions, she would have known I was going to beat her" he said to a fellow doctor. I laid in a puddle of blood whimpering.

"She is no use to us anymore, finish her off" the doctor said and walked away. A huge smile grew on Dr Yates face. He grabbed the collar of the bloody hospital gown I was wearing  and dragged me to my room. My vision was growing blurry. He then launched me against the wall in my room standing me up up beating me more and more. I tried to fight back but it wasn't working. I fell to the ground.

"You worthless pice of shit" he laughed kicking me as I lay on the ground. He then stopped suddenly turning around. I panted and heard gun shots in the background. Dr Yates then ran out the door. Come on (Y/N) you can do this, you have to get out of here. I have too. I put all my energy into sitting up and pressed my back up against the wall to help me stand. My vision was still blurred and then it cleared as a figure stood in the doorway. It was one of the doctors. He ran and grabbed me putting me in front of him like shield. Then another figure came in. He wore a bright red suit made of spandex with black shoulders, gloves and boots. His eyes were white surrounded by big black circles. He wore a belt with gun in and two swords could be seen sticking up from his holder on his back.

"Really Dr DoLittle?" The red man laughed. "A chick as a shield?! Now that's wrong, no way how to treat a lady" he crossed his arms.

"What do you want!" The doctor cried.

"Revenge sweet stuff" he laughed. The amount of blood I was losing was making me dizzy and I fell to the ground. It was then the red man shot the doctor in the head and the doctor fell too. The red man then reloaded his gun and knelt down next to me pointing the gun at my head.

"It's nothing personal babe" he said turning off the safety. This was the end, now at least I would be at peace. I rested my head on the ground swallowing and closing my eyes. Then something fell and make a loud bang, the red man looked up. Screw it, I want to be free. I used all the energy I had left to run for it.

"Okay, that was kinda hot" I heard him say to himself as I ran out the room. Everybody was dead laying on the floor in a bloody puddle, all I had to work out now, was a way out.

"Look babe please make this easy for me" I heard him shout behind me. I stopped in my tracks as I saw him stood in front of me. I ran back the other way.

"You-who!" He sang. Eventually I fell and looked up too see the gun pointing at me.

"End of the line...any last words babe?"  I looked up straight into his eyes in despair.

"You have freed me" I muttered. His eyes narrowed and I braced my self but he hadn't fired yet. I looked at him again.

"Don't look at me, look away" I carried on looking.

"Look away!" He shouted.

"Look away! Damn it!" The gun was shaking in his hand.

"Fuck it" It was then he dropped the gun and turned me over on my back seeing my wounds.

"Well shit, they really hurt you" he then slid his arms under me.

"I can't believe I'm doing this.....I know your right" he said to himself. I was confused and dizzy.

"What's your name" he asked picking me up in his arms.

"(Y/N)" I whispered and then it went black.

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