Yer, there's a big spider on my wall

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Oh lonely spider on my wall, 

How you love to creep and crawl, 

As much as I dislike the sight, 

Stay there still, 

On the right, 

Because if you go, 

You'll scare me so, 

I won't know where you are, 

But I'll wish that you've ran away far, 

It's not that I don't like you, 

It's just your creepy legs that freak me out,

The way they feel if you touch my skin, 

So even though just looking at you sends shivers down my spine, 

Stay right there and we'll both be fine, 

Thankyou creepy spider, 

For staying where you are,

Just a few more hours until I go home, 

Then you may run where you please,

So long as you don't come back tomorrow. 

(Yes people, I know..I wrote a poem for a spider...but it's been sat there for half an hour and I can't help checking every five mins to make sure it's still there Lmao)

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