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"Naruto, we could have eased him into this! You gave him the hardest thing to comprehend first!" Dad shouted.

"Sasuke, I know what I'm doing. I know he has some of the nine tails in him."

"Mum, you're scaring me! What the fuck is the nine tails?!" I yelled in confusion. All of a sudden an orange aura appeared around me. "Mum, what the hell is this?" I asked.

"The nine tailed fox that was sealed inside of me is partly in you. Rin I'm telling you this now; this is not a power to play around with."

"I understand." I responded to mum.

"Good, now try to retract the power back into your body." Mum ordered. I relaxed and the aura went back into to my body.

"Mum, please explain to me what is going on." I said sitting on the couch. Mum stopped glowing and sat on the couch.

"Naruto, you never told me that you sensed that in him." Dad stated sitting on the other side of me.

"I knew by the whiskers on his cheeks." Mum said. "Rin, Sasuke and I are also in a military protection association."

What the hell is happening...I have a 'nine tails' in me and my dads are in a military protection thing.

"Rin? Are you okay? You look pail." Dad said to me.

"No I'm really confused. And I feel light headed." I said leaning on mum.

"Awww baby, I know it's a lot. Here let's go to my bed and lay down." Mum said. I went to get up but was picked up. I looked and it was my blonde father caring me.

"Wow mum! You're a lot stronger than I thought." I said.

"Well I used to carry your father around. He made me make up for making him run home from the hospital when you were born." Mum recalled as he laid me on the bed. He got on the  bed and hugged me. "You're just like me, Rin. You are as daring and fight lusting as I was. But, I learned to control it as you will have to in the future."

"What is this power anyways?" I asked cuddling into his chest.

"Well you know how dad and I said your grandparents lived in Japan?"

"Yeah, why."

"Well actually there dead. I didn't grow up with any parent of my flesh and blood. Yamato raised me."

"But what about uncle Pain?"

"That's another long story. I'll tell you that later. Right now, let's just focus on the nine tails." Mum explained petting my head. "I don't want to over whelm you. Even more, that is." I let out a laugh.

"And a weird story that is." Dad said walking in. "I know you're wondering, so your mother is the strongest of both of us. But, that dose not mean that you can over power me." He said crossing his arms.

"Sorry dad, I was being stupid." I said to my father.

"Don't worry about it. Your mom and I intentionally made ourselves look weak so you wouldn't catch on."

"Smart move!" I acknowledged.

"That's way off topic, Sasuke." My mother scolded.

"Sorry." Dad said and laid on the other side of me.

"Anyways, my mom had the nine tails in her. Now they were the strongest in the M.P.A. force at their time. Once they had me they left for good. Once they left, a lot of the members of the M.P.A. were pissed and attacked them after I was born on the same day. And a man that I killed took the demon out of her and attacked the whole force and my parents. They died that day."

"Woah, you killed who?" I questioned.

"Yeah, funny story. Actually, I almost had a heart attack. This man had been messing with me since I rejoined the M.P.A. force. The day after you were born we were going to pick you up when we got a phone call. The lady on the phone told me that he had you and he would kill you if I didn't get to the hospital. So your father and I ran there and I found him. I demand him to give you to me. He did as told and told me he 'wanted to play with my family'. That pushed me over the edge. So, I used the nine tails to kill him because he was a danger to my family and I wasn't going to stand for that. So I took care of him." I started at my mum blankly.

"Mum, your amazing." I said and hugged him. "So what did you do dad?"

"Well your mum was pissed so I didn't intervene with his choice. Actually I agreed with the decision." My dad explained.

"Do you have any scars?" I asked randomly.

"Tons!" My parents said in unison.

"You want to see?" Mum asked looking at my face.

"Mhum." I responded. Both mum and dad got up and took of their shirts revealing their marked skin. "There are so many. And I didn't know you two were so ripped." I commented.

"You do know that I am proud of all of my scars." My father said. Mum chuckled. "What, I was a spoiled brat when I had my parents. I had no idea what suffering felt like."

"Yeah and somehow I was still friends with you." Mum mumbled.

"Is this why you always wear shirts when we go swimming." I thought out loud.

"Yeah. Hay Naruto, I'm going to go make dinner." Dad said putting his shirt on.

"Okay." They pecked lips then dad left the room.

"I'm sorry mum."

"For what?" Mum asked putting his shirt on.

"For always thinking I would be better off not being made." I answered beginning to cry.

"Rin, don't cry. It's okay. I know it's hard for you to have two fathers and the Uchiha and Namikaze blood in you." He said hugging me. "And now you have the nine tails and we are vampires. Man, we are a fucked up family." I chuckled to the last part.

"I love you mum. I know I don't say it as often as I should, but I love you."

"I love you too Rin. I've always known that." He said and hugged me to his chest.

A little of Rin's lifeWhere stories live. Discover now