Season One: Part Seven: Love and Blood

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*Eleven Months Later*

Kendall: Allison. Ryan, Adam and I need to get the supplies you coming along?

Allison: Sure. Besides you did teach me how to use a gun and a knife so why not.

Kendall: Okay come on.

*In the middle of the street*

Kendall: *Kneels down and feels the ground and sniffs the dirt and picks up a decaying scent* Ugh! There were definitely Undead here I'd say five hours ago.

Adam: Uh Kendall..........

*Points out the Undead Horde*

Kendall: Thank you for the warning mate.

*Allison looks behind her and an Undead walks up behind her and she screams, Kendall turns around and sees the Undead on top of Allison*

Kendall: Oh hell no!

*Grabs a branch and shoves the Undead off of Allison and pales its stomach then snaps the branch and rams the broken branch into its brain*

Allison: You.......... You just protected me.........

Adam: Kendall? Are you okay?

Ryan: Yeah man you completely lost your sense of being.

Kendall: I-I-I don't know. Let's go. We got what we came for.

*As Kendall walks away and Ryan follows him*

Allison: That was weird. He just..........

Adam: You know what.......... Kendall has been happy being around you ever since you both started hanging out for your "combat training" he loves being around you.

Allison: That is a possibility but I am going to head out to the woods now. To find some supplies you know like fire wood.

Adam: I'll tag along just in case.

Allison: Okay.

*Seven hours later, on the Top of Banter Hill*

Ryan: Kendall. We need to find somewhere to stay for the night.

Kendall: Uh Ryan. First off it's cold out here we are good and two it's night. We need to rest for us to scavenge some resources. Survival is everything out here.

*On the other side of the Bonfire*

Allison: Gianni, Asia.

Asia: Yes Allison?

Gianni: What is it?

*Allison whispers something into both their ears and they get a shocked look on their faces*

Asia: *Loudly* Seriously?

*Gianni covers her mouth*

Gianni: Nothing happened.

Tyler: Uh Kendall.......... That was weird wasn't it?

Kendall: A little but hey we need to keep quiet.

*Gianni whispers into Tyler's ear the same thing that Allison told her and Tyler spits his drink out in shock*

Tyler: What? Are you serious?

Gianni: Yes. Please for Allison's sake tell Kendall.

Tyler: Will do.

*As Allison passes out, Tyler spills the beans to Kendall*

Kendall: Allison......... Loves me?

Tyler: Yeah dude. Ask Gianni and Asia they heard from her first.

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