Take me PT 2 (Still choking? Yes? Good.)

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Sean put the condom in his pocket, and rolled over to the other side of the bed.

"C'mon, babe. Can I get some cuddles? Please?"

"Seeeaaannn! I have no bra! I'm only wearing panties!"

"Aw... Please? For me?"

"Fuck, Sean! Every time those cute little eyes get me."

She rolled over onto his chest, laying down on her stomach. Her boobs were pressed against Sean, and her hair draped around their heads, allowing very little vision. Sean raised his hands to the bed cover, and pulled it over their bodies. He took the chance to caress her ass very softly. She squealed at the unwelcome pleasure, and held onto Sean.

"You have very soft skin, babe."

"I know... Stop toying with my body!"

"But... But...Aw..."

She giggled and lay her head on his neck. Sounds of snoring filled the room. She fell asleep.

"Hey... Baby... Wake up..."


"Come on, sexy. I have something really cool for you on the table."

At these words, Sean grasped her butt with one hand, and her nipple with the other.

"C'mon you kinky fuck. I don't want to get up-OOH! Sean! Please, baby!"

"Alright.. I can only bring in a few things." 

Before moving his hands, he slowly revolved two fingers around her nipple. She moaned as her nipple hardened. Sean left the room, only to come back with a gold iPhone six, a bag of lollies and a very fluffy teddy bear.

"What the-OH MY GOD SEAN!!!"

She screamed and jumped into his arms. The doorbell rang.

"Mm... Put on some clothes, Felix and Mark are here. COMING!" 

He left the room to let Ashley change. She put on a pair of jeans and a tight shirt with a wolf imprinted on it. She chose the fluffiest socks and the most colourful watch she had. She dashed up the stairs to the bathroom to brush her hair. She looked in the mirror to see she needed to get her hair dyed purple again. She looked at her neck and saw a hickey.

"Oh fuck. SEAN! COME HERE FOR A SEC." She yelled down the stairs.

"Yeah? Holy shit... D-did I do that?" 

"Yes...you did." 

"They won't mind, it's only Mark and Felix. They'll be impressed. By you and that."

"Oh, shut up."

She turned around and saw Sean right behind her, blushing. He moved his long arms around her body until he reached her panties. He reached inside and tickled her entrance. It was all so sudden, that Ashley almost yelped. 

"Hey! After they're gone. Okay? You are too eager. But... You are so sexy. Let's give you a little taste of your own medicine-ooh... Oh Sean..." She said reaching into his pants. He smiled and held Ashley close to his chest.

"Okay, let's go."

"Shit." Sean sighed.

In the living room, Mark and Felix almost yelled;

"Happy birthday!"

"Oh my god! You're Markiplier! A-and you're pewdiepie!"

"Well, no shit, Sherlock!" Mark said, laughing with a deep voice. 

"No hi? No hugs, no fucking acknowledgment?"

She stopped dead, then jumped into Felix's arms and pecked him on the cheek, then jumping into Marks arms and also pecking him on the cheek.

"Holy. Fucking. Shit. I am sitting next to Markiplier and Pewdiepie, and I'm jacksepticeye's girlfriend. This is a fan girls dream!"

"So, Felix, Mark, Ashley! Guess what time it is!"

"cake time!" Felix said.

"Adventure time!" Mark exclaimed.

"Uhh... Two o clock?"

"SELFIE TIME!" Jack yelled. He sat on the couch, pulled Ashley toward him and put his lips on her forehead. The camera clicked, and jack put it up on Twitter.  The hashtag #jacksgotagirlfriend was all over the Internet. One person commented: "lol, jacks gf got a hickey! All the sex was had that day!" Sean replied: "no sex, just kisses. Quite furious."

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