Chapter 4- Hiking

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Some people would say that I have a great life, others that it's pretty average. I love my family I really do but we're just a different type of crazy. We have our own different level of "crazy."

Shall I go through the list? You know what I'll save you the time and not tell you.

We're always late, we never stop laughing, we always prank each other, and we make fun of each other. The last two are mainly between my bother and I. But the best part is that we love and trust each other. We tell each other our stories, our dreams, our adventures. We talk about our days and what we're doing or going to do.

Overall I guess you could say the my life is great, I would happily agree with you. When I said stuff about "adventures" I really meant my brother and I. We love hiking and climbing mountains and forests, the best part was doing it with him. We are so close and carefree around each other. We talk about everything, I mean everything from people we hate to "other stuff."

Out of everyone in the family we were the closest. I'm just an average sister/daughter and we're just and average family with a lot, I mean A LOT of quirks.


"Good Lord, are you trying to make me fall?" I asked my dad when he suddenly stopped right in front of the well hiked path up a (mini) mountain.

This is why my older brother Dennis and I work so great together. We hardly ever stop unless we are going to drink some water or to help each other. My dad on the other hand stops without warning, almost makes me run into him, and fall. All at the same time. I love him dearly but he wasn't my hiking partner. That job was taken by Dennis.

"I'm sorry, I'm not use to this hiking business." He replied taking a quick sip of water right and looking at his watch, after answering my question.

"It's fine just don't have a heart attack old man." I said with a smirk but I was just joking.

"Do you know what day and time it is old man." I asked. He just ignored me. And with that we started again, with him a little behind.

"June 7th 1:17 p.m." He replied a few minutes later. "I'm not that old." He said while crossing his arms over his chest.

We continued walking upwards for about fifteen minutes when we had to stop again.

"Are you okay?" I asked a little concerned. He looked up at me with this weird look I just couldn't figure out. And with that same look on his face he said "I'm fine I just need a minute."

"Okay." I said still looking at him. Then he straightened his back a got up.

We walked for about two short minutes when I looked back to see if he was still with me.

Just then he collapsed to the ground gripping at his heart. "Dad!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I ran over to were he was laying. His breathing was rapidly increasing and I could see all the color drain out of his face.

I immediately I pulled out my phone called 911. I was hyperventilating at the fact that my dad is having a heart attack and I couldn't help him but try to comfort him through my heavy breathing.

By the time the paramedics came (1:25 p.m.) I was trembling with fear and anxiety. I tried telling them what happened before he collapsed.

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