chapter two

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You fell hard on the ground as the shadow let go of you. You couldn't see anything for a while and your arm was hurting. With a groan, you lifted your head up from the sand and saw a beach. Where the hell am I? you thought. You were hoping it was all a nightmare, but it didn't feel like one. You'd lucid dreamer before, but you knew it was a dream, you weren't sure if wondering if a dream was a dream in a dream—concentrate.

You saw the shadow fly away into the night, no day. It was day. You hadn't been flying for more than ten minutes, how could it be day already? You looked up at the sky and the sun was shining bright.

You decided to continue along the beach that surrounded an endless jungle. It was dark, and you had no intention of finding out what it contained. You walked on the hot sand, searching for any way off the island you were on.

Your eyes did keep wandering  to the jungle, though. It was dark, but more in a mysterious than a scary way. You heard birds chirping that you had never heard before, and glimpses of the most colourful flowers in all the lands. Before you realised, you were at the very edge of the beach, about to enter the woods.

"Lost, dear?" you then suddenly heard a voice say, and you jumped. It was the voice of a boy, about your age, and he was looking at you from head to toe. "Aren't you a pretty little thing." He eyed you with a quirk in the corner of his mouth. The stifling air was wearing you out, and you leaned against a tree. He was watching you like he knew you, and like you were supposed to know him.

"Where am I?"

"Where do you want to be?" he asked, stepping closer to you and smiling crookedly. He was attractive, very so, but something was repelling about him too. His smugness, maybe?

"I want to go home, where am I?" you demanded.

"Well you can't," he said.

"Why not?" you asked. The boy gave a small laugh, looking to the side. He began approaching you and you didn't realise it, but you held your breath in tension. You weren't afraid of him, if anything he was trying too hard. It was his attractiveness that made you nervous.

"Because no one leaves this island without Pan's permission."

"And what island is that?" you asked.

"Have you ever heard of Never Never Land?"

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