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Please do not copy any part of this story/plot. I only posted this story on Wattpad and Wattpad only. Do notify me if there are any stories that are way too similar to mine, in Wattpad, or other online sharing sites. Thank you!

And also, thanks for being such a great and supportive friend Win Nie!! XD

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Noah Sherrington

I took a look at the clock and groaned, causing the blonde across me to flinch again. Half an hour had already been wasted yet 'blondie' here had not uttered a single word.

Believe me, I tried talking to her, asking for her name, but apparently, she was too busy trying to stop her hands from trembling to notice. To be honest, I wasn't exactly trying hard to make a good impression either. But I did try to make myself a little presentable. Afterall, I was supposed to get her to like me.

I looked at the time again and sighed, ruffling my hair in frustration. I have another race in 20 minutes time and this was obviously going nowhere.

"Look here," I said slowly, as though talking to a child. "As much as you're afraid of me, can we at least talk? Seriously, it's not like I'll kill you or anything." I added, chuckling a little at that thought. Killing anyone? That's just plain weird.

Apparently though, she didn't think it was that funny as she gasped and noticeably shrank down into her seat, staring at me, her eyes wide, clouded with fear.

"No, wait, seriously. I won't kill you or ...." I trailed off as she scrambled up quickly from her seat, grabbed her red designer handbag, got into her limousine and in less than a few minutes, she was gone.

I sighed as I slumped into my seat. That was the 11th girl who ran away without saying a single thing during our 'date'.

My eyes narrowed as I remembered, yet again, what brought me to such a depressing situation.

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"Okay, spill." I said once I entered his office and saw the gleam in his blue eyes, which I had, rather unfortunately, inherited.

He smirked and crossed his arms, placing it over his black, metallic desk while I walked over and made myself comfortable by plopping myself onto one of the black leather sofas in his office. I called and ordered for a cup of coffee to be brought up to his office as I waited for him to speak.

A few minutes of silence ensued and when the coffee I'd ordered was served in front of me, I lifted an eyebrow, wondering when he will actually say something. Shrugging nonchalantly, I lifted the cup to my lips and drank the coffee slowly, looking at him in confusion while doing so.

"You will marry in 4 months." he finally blurted out.

With that, the coffee I had in my mouth shot out and landed on the desk in front of me. Seemingly unfazed by it, he waited as I wiped my mouth with my sleeves and placed the cup on the desk slowly, processing his statement in my mind thoroughly

"Marriage?" I asked carefully.

"Hmm..." he hummed as he nodded. "With the daughter of a business acquaintance."

"So, you're saying that without my consent nor my knowledge, you've arranged a marriage with some rich ass parents and only now you're telling me this? Which pretty much means I have absolutely no say in this?" I asked slowly, trying to get the facts down in my mind.

He nodded, smirking.

My eye twitched.

Control.... control. I thought to myself.








... yep, this isn't working.

"WHAT THE HELL?!! We're not living in the past now, are we? We're not in some movie now, are we? Hell, we're not even in the royal family. This is real life. REAL LIFE! WHAT THE HELL IS WITH THIS ARRANGED MARRIAGE?!"

What annoyed me even more was the fact that he was just there, sitting on his leathered chair calmly, taking everything in with a composed expression on his face, while I was practically fuming before him.

He waited for me to calm down before he finally spoke, as though nothing happened. "Of course, as you would probably annoy the hell out of me if I forced you upon it, I will give you another option," he said slowly, in a professional tone, as though he was here to discuss about business matters with his son.

"Make any girl, in this society-"

I scoffed. Of course, business still came first.

"-fall in love with you within 3 months." He sat back in satisfaction and smirked at my gaping face.

Fall in love?

How was I supposed to get a girl to fall in love with me? It was already hard enough to get a girl to not be afraid of me - falling in love? I sighed when I finally realised what the smirk on his face meant.

Absolute hell.

"So, which option would you like? A? Or B?"

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was how I got into this hellhole.

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Hiya!! It's been a long time. X3. Anyway, I'm planning to re-write my old stories but in the meantime, I wanted to try out an idea that I've had for quite a while now so... hopefully it's okay... I'm not really good at writing in a guy's perspective... And I'm honestly sorry if the prologue is boring. Just wanted to state Noah's problem first so that's out of the way. XP. 

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