Bye Bye Houston .

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You know what sucks about being a teenager?
You don't get a say in shit.
Currently I am packing all my shit because my parents decided since I'm starting high school , why not a fresh start with new people? Honestly what the f uck . I spent years in Houston, Texas and we're just leaving like nothing.
My mother said we are moving to California. I will be attending Riverside High School. Kill myself.
That guy from "Damn Daniel" attends there. Honestly it gets on my nerves after hearing that dumb snapchat so many times.
We get to the new house about 3 days later because we drove to save a lot of money. Let me tell you IT'S HOT AS FUCK HERE. I get my suitcase and grab a pair of shorts , tank top, and my white vans. I quickly change in my new room and go back outside to get my boxes. As I'm walking to the moving truck all I hear is " DAMN NEW GIRL BACK AT IT WITH THE WHITE VANS." I turn around and see him. Daniel Lara & his friend Josh. Honestly I don't know Josh's last name. Oops.
I quickly walk away but in the process I trip over a rock and fall.
I look up to see Daniel rushing to help me.
"Let go of me I'm fine." I snap
"Your knee that's dripping blood begs to differ." He chuckles
I groan and stand up.
"Here let me help you" and he helps me up and carries my box inside , following behind me.
I tell him to set it down in my room while I go clean up my knee.
He eventually finds me and starts standing in the doorway of my bathroom.
He just stands there like a creep smiling at me.
"Um can I help you?" I ask
"No I'm okay."
"Then why the fuck are you smiling at me like that?" I say
" no reason . You're just so beautiful." He says softly
"Oh." Is all I manage to say while blushing
"My name is Daniel" he casually says
"I know."
"Oh so you be scoping me out huh baby?"
"Shut the hell up, no but your bitch ass shows up all in my news feed."
He laughs
"I'm Daniela" I say with a groan
"Looks like it's meant to be."
"Don't you have a video to make?" I blurt out annoyed
"Nah I do it before sixth period at school"
I roll my eyes as I start putting the medical supplies away.
"Well I have to unpack so uh can you please leave?" I say as nice as possible
"Oh sure see you around Daniela."
Before he leaves I blurt something I'll regret.
"Here's my number , we should hang out sometimes." I say as I hand him a piece of paper with my number on it.
"Will do" he says with a smile.
He kisses my cheek, hugs me , and leaves my house.
Looks like maybe California won't be as bad as I thought.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 26, 2016 ⏰

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