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Girl Code #1


Greasy Hair ??

Some girls have really greasy hair and some have really dry brittle hair. I for once have greasy hair. On the bright side there are something's you can do to either prevent or reduce it.

1. The lemon treatment. (All hair types even dyed hair)

What you do is simply juice 1 yellow lemon. Put the lemon juice into a spray bottle (make sure you don't have pulp in the juice or it may clog the spray bottle). Add about 1 cup or 1/2 a cup of water into the same spray bottle. Go to the shower wash your hair with a moisturizing shampoo only once. Rinse. Spray the lemon rinse into your roots mostly and grab your moisturizing conditioner into the lower half of your hair ONLY !!! DO NOT ADD CONDITIONER INTO ROOTS!! That is what causes your hair to get greaser !!!

2. Dry shampoo. (All hair types)

Dry shampoo isn't one of my favorites. I have light brown hair and it usually causes my hair to look dull and almost white by the roots. It works pretty great thou. You could buy a simple dry shampoo from a drugstore they have some that are about $3 or less. All you do is shake the bottle, spray it into the greasy areas of your hair, then with your fingers rub the spray into your roots. And presto your hair shouldn't look as greasy!! The only other downer is that it doesn't stay in your hair too long you may need to re apply in the middle of the day.

Here is the dry shampoo I buy prom a drugstore (KLORANE Extra-gentle Dry Shampoo with oat milk, $7.50) it comes in a travel sized bottle and its a white bottle.

3. Baby powder ?

Okay this one is weird and you may not want to do it but I've seen this one all over pintrest and YouTube everyone uses it. This is just like the dry shampoo all you do is tab very lightly on the top and add it onto your roots then brush it in. Pretty simple huh ??

4. Don't wash your hair as much ??

Okay this is a definite no no. Washing your hair is really good for your hair but if you wash your hair more than 3 times a week then that may also make your hair greasy.

5. Stress

Stress is never good and most definitely causes your hair to become even more greasy. Try to avoid stress !! Relax and take a hot bubble bath or something.

Want Longer Hair ??

I cut my hair once about an inch under my shoulders and missed my long hair tremendously! After I found some things that helped it grow faster and now its almost to my butt and looks healthier !!

1. Main n' Tail. (Not recommend for dyed hair)

Has anyone heard of Main n' Tail ?? It's a horse shampoo for say. It literally makes your hair grow almost 6 inches longer in a year or less. The only thing you need to do is when you wash your hair use the shampoo and conditioner. If it makes your hair too dry what some of my friends have done is use the shampoo and use a moisturizing conditioner only on your tips.

NOTE: reason why I don't recommend this for people who don't have their natural color is because when your use the shampoo and conditioner it makes your natural color grow out. But if that's what you want to grow out your natural color then totally do it!!

2. A little trim ??

Sometimes all you need is to take no more than a 4 inch trim(unless you have really bad split ends) . Nothing dramatic just a couple inches.

Natural Straight Hair ??

Is it possible to get straight hair naturally ?? Without heat or harsh chemicals ?? I got this (;

Okay warning don't hate on me if it doesn't work !! I haven't tried it out but found that a lot of my friends have tried it and they said it works!! Plus it won't kill you to try it out !!

1. Milk.

In a spray bottle add 1/3 cup of water and 1/3 cup of milk. Spray it all over your hair, remember to spread the mix properly !! Use a wide tooth comb to remove the tangles in your hair and also distributes the milk proportionally. Apply about an hour or two before washing your hair. When its time to wash your hair wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner!! That's it :D but the straightening effect may not last till your next wash.

2. Milk and Honey ??

Milk alone can make your hair straight, but honey will nourish your hair. This makes dry and curly hair manageable.

3. Mulga I Mitti

This one is weird...

Take a cup of fuller earth (multani Mitti) add 1 egg and 5 teaspoons of rice flour, and mix very well. Use a wide tooth comb and remove all the tangles. Before applying the paste, comb your hair properly at least 2-3 times. Apply the paste, while combing your hair. Try to keep your hair straight. It will take almost 40 minutes to dry completely wash your hair with plane water. Use this paste every fortnight to straighten your hair.

P.S. oil your hair the night before if you have very dry hair before you add the paste.

4. Oil and Egg.

Take 2 eggs and whisk it properly. Add 1-2 teaspoons of olive oil. Mix them well. Apply it on your hair with a brush (like the rubber brushes you use to add BBQ sauce on steak) .keep it In for a few hours till completely dry. Wash them off using shampoo. (No conditioner needed the olive oil will nourish your hair)

5. Lime Juice and Coconut Milk.

Get organic coconut juice unless your looking forward to getting an actual coconut and getting the milk. (Actual coconut juice is the best) add lime juice in it. Mix the ingredients to make a creamy texture. Refrigerate the mixture for a day. Next day apply the cream over your head and massage your scalp. Using a hot towel, cover your hair properly in the towel. After an hour wash it off with water. Repeat at least 2-3 times a week and your hair will get straighter.

6. Hot Coconut oil.

Heat some oil and apply on your scalp. Keep it for at least 20-30 min, by covering your hair with a warm towel. After that apply shampoo. Wash your hair and cover them again for few minutes (5 minutes or so). Use a hair dryer or let your hair dry naturally. You'll see at the end your hairs will become glossy and naturally straight.

Using theses easy tips to get natural straight hair at home. (:

Natural Curles ??

Okay I'm not good at this one my hair does not curl for the life of it!! I have even gotten in professionally curled and it only lasted 2 hours till my hair became wavy and that's giving my hair too much credit.

Soooo I will make a special chapter soon just about curling your hair cause mine does not curl AT ALLL !!!





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