"I decided we should go somewhere quiet so we can get to now each other. Is that alright?" Dean asks and Castiel gives him a thumbs up in return. They turn into a small clearing near a cliff and get out of the car. They walk to a nearby bench in the shade. Castiel brings a pen and paper so he can communicate with Dean.

"So Cas, tell me about yourself." Dean says and Castiel starts writing stuff down. Once he is finished, he gives the paper so Dean can read it.

I have a good life. I have an older brother named Gabriel, you might know him, he's a senior. I also have my dad but he isn't home often. He is usually busy with his work. I enjoy reading and watching geeky tv shows.

Dean smiles at the paper and starts to write something down. Castiel tilts his head in confusion. Dean finishes and hands him the paper to read.

My life is alright. My parents left a few years ago and I take care of my little brother, Sam. I am a star swimmer and get reasonably good grades. I like reading the odd comic book I find lying around the house and working on my car.

Castiel smiles at Dean and at his note.

"I thought since you don't talk, maybe we could just communicate like this." Dean smiles as he takes the paper back and writes something down before passing back to Castiel.

Why don't you talk? You don't have to answer, only if you want to.

Castiel looks at the paper for a minute before taking a pen and responding.

I just don't find the need for it. I never had the urge to talk when I was younger and my dad never forced me. I think that has lead me into the shadows. I like it though. More time to read I guess.

Dean laughs at this and writes something back.

Well that's alright.

Castiel was about to write something down until Dean spoke up.

Talking Is Overrated - A Destiel FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now