The Power Of Love

Start from the beginning

What you did was dangerous, you shouldn't have done it.

"Please, please make it stop." I begged as the pain became stronger and cried out, my body hovering over the floor as I curled up my fingers. "Ah!" I parted my lips as I cried out, my fingers digging in my roots.

You should have thought about that before using magic for a purpose that wasn't even that valid. You want to forget someone you love? You think that magic can do that? Magic can't compete with love, it's going to turn out chaotic.

You think that with a simple chant things will turn out to be different? Ask your mother what happened when she tried to turn off her emotions to stop feeling the love she had for you father. It will only make the love stronger. You want to forget him, now you have to live with the consequences of not being able to forget him nor stop feeling what you're feeling for him. Maybe that will make you understand that magic cannot compete with true love.

Asinta Mulaf Hinto, Sho Bala.

I gasped loudly and felt on the floor, my heavy breathing coming out as loud pant gasps. "No, no. Why?! Why?! You're supposed to help me! Why do you want me to keep suffering? Do you not see my pain? Do you not see that I'm desperate?"

And that's why you'll make stupid decisions. You need to be sane. Magic cannot use when desperate. The consequences can be lethal.

I pressed my eyes closed as I shook my head, my body shaking as sobs left my mouth. The door opened and my grandmother walked inside. "Oh child, what have you done?" She kneeled down and brushed my hair.

"I did something terrible, and now I'm paying for the consequences to come." I pushed myself up and flung myself at her, hugging her tightly. "The ancestors are mad at me, and now they won't help me."

"We will find a solution." She pulled me away and brushed my hair behind my ears. "Now for the real reason I came. Your mother is at the hospital." She sighed heavily, giving me a sad smile. "She's okay. Your father called me to come pick you up."

I shook my head at her as I blinked my heavy ashes, tears falling down my cheeks. "He couldn't face me because I did something wrong." I spoke between tears, my breathing coming out hurriedly as I gulped down the lump in my throat. "I don't think that he wants to even see me and I don't think that I would be able to see him after everything he said. I feel like I failed him. I never meant to disappoint him but I couldn't help what I felt. I never thought of the consequences and now, I have to pay a high price. Why? Why me? Everything bad happening is always my fault, my mate wants to kill my sister, my mother and my father are mad at each other because of me and now she's in the hospital."

"I have so much on my plate right now and I don't know how to handle things. This is all too much for me, our ancestors might be mad at me but don't they see that I had enough? I wanted to have control and everything turned out bad. I wanted to have at least a grip on my life but I made a wrong decision. I loved the wrong person, and now I have to watch him with someone else. With someone who is truly his."

"I claimed a spot I never should have, I only thought about me in that moment. About what I felt and about what I was going through. I never thought that I would let feelings get involved. I never wanted to act on them but in that moment I thought about me, about having a mate that wanted to kill my sister. I wanted to forget that I couldn't be with him and then I saw Yeoman."

"I thought that my feelings for him were long gone. He was away and I was more than happy to finally get over him completely. Then I saw him, I saw him on a bad night. A night I was set on to forget, to remove every worry from my mind."

"Things happened out of our hands, we never meant to kiss and we definitely didn't mean to have sex with each other. That never crossed my mind, maybe before when I felt that there was a connection between us but not on that night. What happened was because I was lonely and felt left out, with me not being able to be with my mate was the cherry over the top."

"But we only needed that night, and those kisses to unleash some deep buried desires that we shouldn't have never let out. I was not his to be claimed and he was not mine for me to claim him, and now I can't let go."

"When I close my eyes, I can feel him. I can feel the love I have for him cursing through my veins. Nothing is more powerful than a hidden love and desire unleashed. I see him, and I see me. We are one. Bonded by a connection that's forbidden. In the eyes of our werewolf ancestors what we have done is a shame, we did something we shouldn't. We made a bond that wasn't given to us but stronger than any mate connection. And that's where it's dangerous."

"The outcomes of what we did is going to be lethal, and just the thought of it scares me." She pulled me toward her chest and rocked us back and forth, her hands brushing up and down my back as she leaned down to kiss my forehead.

"If you love something, no matter if it's forbidden fight for it. If he's worth it, fight for him. If the love you feel for him is bigger than any bond fight for your love. It might get ugly but it will be worth it at the end.

"What about if you love someone set them free? What about giving away your happiness for someone else's? If I do that, if I fight for our love I'll be selfish. What about his mate? Her feelings? I can't just crush them for my own."

"It's okay to be selfish in life. It's okay to think about yourself. It took me too a while to realize that. All my life I thought about my brothers, about what they wanted. I let them decide for me for a long time. To get to where I am now, I had to be selfish. I had to think about myself and my happiness, about what I wanted. If the feeling is mutual? Fight for it, if you want to give up do so but at least know that you've tried."

Till Death Do Us Part{Book 3} *Completed*  (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now