Argument 7: "Never!"

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Harry: playing on his phone

Louis: "Harry..."

Harry: "What?" doesn't look up

Louis: "I'm bored."

Harry: "Well go be bored somewhere else."

Louis: pouts "No."

Harry: sighs, continues playing on his phone

Louis: sitting right behind Harry "HARRY!"

Harry: falls off bed "Dear god Lou!"

Louis: laughing

Harry: straddles him on the bed and starts tickling him

Louis: continues to laugh "S-Sto-op!"

Harry: laughing "Say you're sorry then!"

Louis: "Never!"

10 Years Later

Harry: "Lou, I can't believe you deleted my twitter. MY twitter."

Louis: "You spend to much time flirting with those Niam shippers, especially that one that goes by NIALLatemynamesorry."

Harry: "She's a funny girl! Plus I made her happy when I said that, yes in fact Liam and Niall have been dating since the X Factor."

Louis: "I'm not saying sorry."

Harry: "Yes you are."

Louis: "No I'm not."

Harry: "And why?"

Louis: "Cause you wouldn't entertain me when I was bored.


Now taking requests, just leave what they would argue about in the comment section, and I'll dedicate the chapter to you!

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