Chapter 1

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Ash's POV

"Ash. Wake up." I groan and turn onto my stomach. "Ash, I'm serious." I place a pillow on my head, covering my ears. Not that it'll stop him. "Ashley Coleson we're gonna be late for school!" Yells a voice in my head. I bolt awake and look at the clock. 8:40! I rush out of bed and into the washroom muttering a string of curses under my breathe. I hear a chuckle from beside the bed as I roughly brush my orange hair.
"Shut up Tristan. Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I call from the bathroom.
"I tried, but you sleep like a rock! Besides, you're the one who insisted on staying up until midnight studying," a male voice calls back. I can feel him rest his head on his paws through our bond. Yes paws. Tristan is a red fox. We share a personality so I guess that says a lot about me already doesn't it?
"Tristan, I swear to Dalisay you can be the most annoying thing on earth," I say as I scoop him into my arms. I cradle him so he's on his back. He looks up at me with big jade green eyes, his little ears perked to attention. I know that we are looking at the same eyes, it's one of the things caused by the bond. We have the same jade green eyes, same dark sunset orange hair, well, fur in his case. He gives me what looks like a smile.
"You know you just called yourself annoying right?" I roll my eyes as I put him on the bed.
"I'm also very cheeky," I retort. Tristan gives a little harrumph before sitting up proudly. I pull on a white undershirt and an off white sweater overtop along with light blue jeans.
Just as I finish changing I hear the familiar light 'clip clopping' of Delilah coming up the stairs. Her little white head peaks around the corner of the door. She walks in, her fluffy wool covered body in suit. Delilah is moms animal, a sheep.
"Ash, Tristan, Carol has put some bacon on the counter for you. Make sure you eat before you leave," she informs us. She backs up and out of the room before going downstairs
"Thanks Delilah!" I yell after her. I quickly brush my teeth and apply my make-up with a scoff and the usual, 'makeups pointless' from Tristan. Seeing as I only have ten minutes, I hurriedly scoop up a groomed Tristan with one hand and rush downstairs. Moms sitting at the island in the kitchen reading the paper with her cup of coffee.
I walk over and grab a piece of bacon for Tristan and let him grab it before placing him on the counter.
"Are your paws clean Tristan?" My mom inquires. She doesn't even stop reading when she asks.
"Yes Carol, I was forced into a-a-"
"A bath," I finish for him. He visibly winces at the word.
"Yes, a bath," he exaggerates as if it's the most disgusting thing in the world. I roll my eyes at him as I finish a second piece of bacon. Before I can say anything a horn honks.
"Oh no! Love you mom! Bye!" I yell. She chuckles as me and Tristan grab one more piece of bacon each before running for the door. Delilah's standing there with my bag. I grab it and yell out a thank you as I open the door. The large yellow bus is parked on the side of the road waiting for me. I run down the drive way and hop on with Tristan at my heels. As the doors close I smile at Rachael, the bus driver, and her otter, Bailey. I wave hi to Bailey and she starts a conversation with Tristan.
"Late again Miss Coleson?" Racheal asks in a raspy voice. She knows I don't like being called by my last name. I put my hand to my chest feigning hurt.
"I'm shocked at you Rachael. Besides, it's his fault," I point to Tristan.
He snaps out of his conversation and looks at me, obviously not expecting that. Rachael just laughs before he can say anything.
"Alright you two, take a seat." We go down the aisle a few seats, trying not to get looks from the 'populars' in the back. I slide in next to Sophie and her rabbit Jason. They're really quiet and timid, but very hyper active. I can never look at Sophie without seeing her tapping her foot or twiddling her thumbs. Right now she's bouncing her leg and its going to drive me nuts, but I leave her because I know she'll just start again in five minutes.
"The girls are looking at you Ash..." She all but whispers. With that said she sinks down a little. I turn my head and see out of the corner of my eye that Talia and her wolf Tara are giving us a look. Now being me, I don't act like the omegas in her pack, but even I tend to look down as a sign of submission when she gets like that. Her fathers Beta and she's an only child with all his characteristics.
Her brown hair shines in the light and Tara's fur looks like the finest silk. They sit in the very back with the rest of her pack. I hear that they have it easy with the whole 'mate' thing and that she hasn't found him yet. I can't help but internally smile at the thought. Even though it's harder for me to find someone, at least I have the excitement of dating...
The bus is full of students with their different varieties of animals. Though if I have to say, I would say apes and wolves make up the majority. Wolves because of the wolf pack, apes because most people on the bus are just like that.
It feels like forever before we finally pull up to the academy. Unlike most academies, at the Academy Of Genia, (pronounced Gen-ny-a), if you live in town you can just take the bus to school. The Academy is actually located on the edge of the city and the town is only a few minutes drive from there. Everyone noisily unloads from the bus. Rachael gives me a grin and a wink as I get off so I smile and give her a mock salute goodbye. The grand building looms up before us. It used to be a really large cathedral, but when a new one was built, they turned it into a school.
At the academy you have your typical cliques and clubs. The jocks. Usually dogs, bulls, yadda yadda yadda. The nerds. Usually parrots, the occasional pig and chimp. The rich kids. Now this ones more complicated. The snooty ones include purebred dogs and cats. The sophisticated society type include cats as well, but the proud Persian ones who are really fluffy and sit gracefully. The ones who actually play sports like polo are usually horses. The goths. Spiders and crows the lot of them. The outcasts. Now they vary a bit, some are really shy like Sophie, others are really annoying like mockingbirds. The last group is the 'populars'. This group is mainly high ranking wolves and really strong wildcats. You do well to stay away from them. There's more, but that's pretty much a basis of the school.
Me and Sophie walk up the gravel path and head to our lockers with our animals in our arms. We stop every once in a while, waiting for a horse or wildcat to pass before continuing. We grab our things and get to class at the bell.
Mrs. Lambert walks in and the class focuses their attention. Brian, her hyena, walks in after her. She smiles at everyone before starting attendance. No one dares talk. She may not have a wolf, but she most definitely has a bite. She's the cooking teacher and also helps out in the cafeteria so the foods edible. She's rather pleasant and try's to make lessons fun when she can, even if that just means turning on the radio. She's definitely a good teacher, not my favorite, but pretty close anyways. Though out of all the teachers, she's the one I go to for advice.
"Alright class, today we will be making strawberry shortcake. Now get with your groups and watch the demonstration," she instructs us. Madeline and Andrew are first to our table. Andrew is a dachshund. Madeline immediately scurries over and hugs us.
"Hey guys! I'm so excited! I LOVE STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE!" she squeals. I flinch at the noise level and watch Andrew and Tristan chase each other around the table. All the sudden a little figure jumps out of nowhere and scares them. They both let out a yelp which makes me and Madeline laugh. I hear a deep chuckle behind me and turn to see Tyler just grabbing a chair to sit down. His little fox Felicia hops on his lap, satisfied with scaring the boys. She lays down and rests her head on her paws.
"Hey Ash, Maddie, Soph, what's up?" He greets casually. Sophie just nods and before I can say anything, Maddie's at it again.
"Cake is whats up! Cake is the most delicious thing ever! I think my favorites chocolate. No vanilla. No strawberry! Ugh! I can't decide!" She wails. I see that even Mrs. Lambert flinches at the volume. I smile and look at Tyler. He's looking right back, then suddenly looks away. Did I do something?

Hey guys! Sorry it's short, but not all chapters will be short. I will be posting chapters when I want, or when they are ready, so don't hassle me or I won't feel the need to do it. Hope you enjoyed chapter one!

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