To mom

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  • Dedicado a mom

This is something I’m writing for my mother for her birthday. Don’t ask me how old she is, I don’t think she’ll appreciate random strangers on internet knowing her age! I kinda promised her that I’ll get people from different countries to wish her Happy Birthday…it was stupid of me, promising things that are not in my control. But if you read this, please leave a birthday message if possible mentioning which country you are from(no need to vote), it’ll mean a lot.

To mom,

What can I say about you? Without you, I wouldn’t have been writing this. You are the most amazing person in the world. And I’m not saying that just because you are responsible for my existence.

You could have done anything; you were so good at studies. Yet you choose to be there for us. You could have been the best teacher in the world, yet you reduced yourself to just teaching Piklu and me. I appreciate that mom. Even the beatings I got from you made me the person I am today. It wouldn’t have seemed that way to me then, but I am glad that you did that. It taught me not to kick my teachers, even though I want to…very badly.

I may say that you sing horribly but I always liked those lullabies that you sung to me. I am still tempted to ask you to sing them when I can’t sleep. I’m thinking of recording them and selling them as sleep inducers! Do you think people will buy them?

I may sometimes diss some dish that you have cooked, but you are not a bad cook. Nothing pleases me more than something that you have cooked just because I like them. You’re Dahi-badas are orgasmic; you can beat any master-chef in the world with that. That reminds me, will you make some for me soon? Not today though! Today you get to endure my cooking. I really hope that whatever I cook is at least edible. I’m thinking fish, I know you like them (and you wonder why dad calls you cat!). Wish Piklu was here to help me…

I really want to thank you for being so understanding with me mom. Now that I’m all grown up, I get mad at you sometimes and talk back when you say something. But really it is mostly my anger talking. I don’t like it when I get mad at you and I promise that I’ll try to control my anger for now on.

I like it that you get me mom. Even though you don’t always agree with me, you still support me. I know some things that I do, the way I am, still question your beliefs. But you never say that on my face and I’m grateful to you for that. I know that dad would freak out when he knows and will probably even kick me out. But I know that even then you’ll support me; thank you for that too.

I don’t know why grandma doesn’t like you; you do so much for her. I know you try to act all tough when she says something bad, but I know it hurts you. Ignore her, she’s a generic mean person and anything that prude says should not be taken seriously.

I know that you’ll miss Piklu today. I’m sure he wants to be here today too, so don’t be too depressed, he wouldn’t want that! He’s not that great anyway, pretty boring if you ask me. My awesomeness will make up for his absence, so don’t worry.

And mom? Since I want you to live for a long time, I want to quit being a klutz. You are always falling down and breaking your bones up. I worry so much when I leave you alone at home. I can’t help it but think that something will happen to while I’m away. Also stop being sick. I don’t like it when you get sick. Just thinking about losing you someday brings tears to my eyes and I don’t like the squeezing pain in my chest one bit.

Lastly, today I wanted to give you that saree that you liked so much. But I didn’t have enough money. I know you’ll say that anything from me is good enough but you’ll get that saree for puja in a few days, I promise!

Happy Birthday mom! I wish I never have to see day when you’ll leave me. May all my years add up to yours too…

Yours lovingly,


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