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::: As Zuri pulled away from the curb, her tears started to pour. They poured faster than the rain which was pouring hard outside of her car, pelting the roof and front window, before being washed away by the windshield wipers.

She slowly steered down the wet road, her eyes straining to stay open as she cried. She switched on the windshield wipers and watched silently as it fought against the rain. It was similar to her heart. Her heart continued to fight the rumors and the lies and the first and second mistake... But a girl can only take so much pain before she up.

More tears started to pour from her eyes, like the rain outside of her car. Her eyes were two big puffy clouds, trying to hold in as much rain as it could in order to release its inner sunshine, but having too much weight, and releasing everything she had suppressed over the years.

The rain soon began to become one steady rhythm which allowed Zuri to get lost within it. It allowed her to drown in her own pain and memories.

"God, I hate this feeling!" She slammed her fist against the steering wheel. "I hate hurting like this! I hate being lied to! I hate these memories and I hate him!" Zuri began to sob quietly to herself.

It was about 11 at night and the roads were empty, so she allowed herself to float over the road and just...cry and wish and cry some more, wishing that she could forget everything.

To forget him.

It's like, once she had finally walked away, it all hit her. She burnt their pictures and shoved Niall's letters and pictures down a shredder. In someway, that's what encouraged her to go through with her plan of leaving him. If she didn't, she would have those memories to always deter her from leaving him.

She felt like with him cheating twice, the five years they've been together wasn't even real. She felt like she wasted her life on a high school sweetheart. But she's young and whenever she's ready to really move on, there's hope that she can still find someone who would love her unconditionally, and not waste her time.

Though, she had great memories with Niall, she knew that the bad ones would always overcloud them. He could never resist the temptation of infedelity, so why should she stay? Why did she stay the second time he cheated on her with his ex.

Or even the first time?

Zelena, Zuri's big sister, told her that Tyson, Niall's best friend, slipped and told her that Niall had a small interaction with his ex, Ally, at the studio, while they were practicing. Turns out, that "small interaction" was when he kissed her.

Zuria didn't believe it, she thought that Niall would tell her if that had happened.

But he didn't. Why didn't he?

If she didn't believe he was cheating the first or second time, the third time she was seeing it with her own eyes. Niall with Ally. Together. For the third time. Doesn't seem like much of a one-time mistake, does it?

Was he cheating the entire time, while he was supposed to be working? Did he return home after every studio session to kiss her with the same lips he kissed his ex with?

Zuri continued to ask herself those questions as she pressed her foot down hard on the gas pedal, turning left on green, and drowning out the abrupt sound of her tires squeaking.

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