Chapter 1 - ILL EFFECTS

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It was a mistake. They should have known not to play God for one last time. They had already gave life to three new groups of Homo nekolis, a new form of humans that have the physical and internal traits of an animal, which they chose as wolves for their hunting skills, rabbits for their speed, and cats for their stealth.
The new life would grow up and create new life, so in order to keep things under control, Homo sapiens would have to go against their own instinct.
They would have to undergo planetary genocide. They would have to get rid of seventy percent of the World's Population in order to allow the new species to thrive. But no one wanted the guilt of this mass murder to overburden them. They would have to be God one last time.
Oh what a horrible mistake that was.
They tried to create life once again, with many horrible accidents occurring to those responsible in the testing of new life. They tried different species, different alterations to the physical traits, augmentate some of the genes of unborn children, all ending in failure...
Until one scientist injected a new formula into him. The effects it had altered him drastically, causing horns to grow, his skin to split apart in six several places which soon became mouths, and his skin to turn into the darkest shade of black and the bright crimson colors of red. They tried to contain him, but all attempts failed, resulting in many causalities.
It was realized then and there, that they shouldn't have been trying to create life but to alter it.
Using the scientist's formula as the base, they tested its effects on many subjects, altering its chemical composition to improve the results.
By the end, they had successfully altered 5 different people. The first four turned out to be brothers and the nephews of the scientist, and with the genetic material being a close match, were tested upon. They underwent a painful change when injected with the formula, causing the brothers to become unearthly tall and slender. Two of them, the eldest and the second youngest, lost all they had of their facial features. The second born had lost only his eyes, but his teeth became serrated and his tongue grew long. The youngest lost the color of his eyes and mouth, becoming black as night. All but the youngest lost their color of the skin, becoming white as the fresh snow on the ground.
The final test subject, however, didn't turn out like the first group. He started screaming when the formula was injected into his blood, and then something profound began to happen. His skin started to contort and move, trying to pull away from his body. He wouldn't stop screaming "WHY WON'T YOU HELP ME?!?"
They wouldn't. Even if they wanted to, they couldn't. The subject wasn't just contorting but also emitting dangerous levels of radiation. Those who admitted the drug died instantaneous and those next to the radiation-proof window somehow suffered different levels of radiation poisoning. It was a surprise that he was surviving this level of radiation. Then, it occurred.
His body began to split apart, becoming two. They split again, turning into four seperate people. Then eight. Then, seven of the eight people split once more, leaving fifteen people in the room. The radiation level began to lower when three of the fifteen suddenly touched one another, forming into one person. The others followed suit, until all that were left in the room were five people, three males and two females.
The original person looked around frantically and confused before losing consciousness, followed by the others. The radiation levels in the room suddenly plummeted, until it hit zero. The team went into the room and checked if radiation was still present on the new humans.
None were found, and they were sent to the medical wing until they recovered.
The scientists couldn't follow up with another successful test after that. It was decided that these nine would be their genocide soldiers, designed to lower the population so that the Earth wouldn't be overburden by too many.
This was the ultimate mistake, for when the nine had learned their power and how to contain it, they mutanied against the scientists, killing off as many as they could.
I was lucky. They left me alive to tell the world what they will do to it for what they've done to them.

I'm guessing this will be the last time scientists will be performing experiments to create new life...



Kitty Kat Killer (Creepypasta x Neko Reader) ((PLACED ON HIATUS))Where stories live. Discover now