Chapter 9

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"I know what you're going to say, Dad," I sighed, turning to face his disapproving glare, "and I know that I've ended up in pretty difficult situation. But you have to understand that this is hard for me. I need you. I can't do this alone."

"I do understand that," he shot back, "What I don't understand is why you didn't hear him out. You need to learn that you can trust people, Beca. Not everyone in the world is out to get you."

Anger bubbled like an erupting volcano in my stomach, the feeling of what almost felt like betrayal coursing through my veins. How dare he use my weakness against me?

"You have absolutely no right to start that conversation with me," I seethed with fury, "I didn't want to come here; don't you realise that? This is my only option! I need your help, and as my Dad,  you need to help me to deal with this. You can't just abandon me! Not... not again."

He nodded in defeat and my face dropped in sadness, "I'm sorry it has to be this way Dad," I whispered as I turned on my heel and left his house. Of course I knew that I should have heard Jesse out - Dad didn't have to tell me that - but what was the point really when I knew it was true? We had only been together for 3 months and I was pregnant, for crying out loud! It was so easy for him to cheat on me and get away with it. But how I wished that it wasn't true... he was the first person I thought I truly loved.

I shook those thoughts out of my head as I walked into the sunny campus of Barden University. It was like home. For the first time in a week I headed to class, holding my head high like everything was fine. If I had to support this baby on my own then I had to do well in my classes so that I could get a somewhat decent job.
Jesse's POV

"ROSA?!" I shouted, my heavy footsteps echoing as I searched my parents house for signs of my pathetic excuse of a sister.

"What are you doing here Jesse?" She asked me, her stick thin body clothed in stripy pyjama pants and a thin black tank top, "You're never here. So why all of a sudden are you here in the middle of the night?!"

I sighed, as guilt clouded my mind. I leaned heavily against the wall of the hallway, pressing my hand to my temple in an attempt to ease my headache.

"Rosa, I know that I haven't been here for you as much as I should be but-"

"No. No buts," She said, shaking her head in disgust, "ever since you became a treble maker you think you're some sort of celebrity! Guess what, you're not; your family needs you!"

I slowly approached her, my eyes pleading for her to listen. "Rosa, there's something that you are unaware of. It's taking up a lot of my time." Before she could argue I added, "It's important Rosa. And I know that it was you on my phone, ruining what I had. I know how you're feeling- I do- but you may have stopped me from ever meeting my unborn child."

"Your unborn child?" She asked, her eyebrows raising as I nodded, "Well I'm glad that I took the phone call then. You would be awful at looking after the kid, I mean you've already abandoned your family!"

"Rosa that isn't how it is!"

"Then how is it Jesse?" She hissed, running her hands through her brunette locks in frustration, "Because that's how it seems to be."

My face softened as I pulled her into my arms, "I'm so sorry." She softened.

"I know," she whispered.

"I promise you I'm going to try harder. I know that I need to be there for my family and also for my baby but I need your help."

She stepped away from me, her back facing me.

"Rosa, I can't do this alone." I whispered.



Hi Readers!

I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in so long but I'm really getting writers block with this story if I'm honest. It's also quite short but I thought you'd appreciate the update. I'll update again soon.

Brooke X

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