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unbidden comes the emotion

the ultimate truth that you always knew would make itself known

you are no fool

and yet as you sit and watch the people around you falling to their knees with the most unbearable pain

you find that your jealous of that pain

you say 'why do that to yourself?

when you know that it's going to break you and that it never ends well?' 

you instinctively guard yourself from pain

and yet

you find that you want to be consumed by it

by the madness of youth

by 'young love'

'First love'

by 'love at first sight'

to be completely caught up in the emotions to the point that you are completely unaware that you are causing your own destruction.

But you are aware

you don't believe in those things

but you do believe in one thng

pain and fools

human nature is predictable and yet ever surprising

but you can always count on pain and fools

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