Sharing The Bond

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"As time takes its toll,
We learn.
Not just of ourselves,
But of those around us.
We discover our other self,
And the way of the light.
For within every human,
Lives a beast,
And within every beast,
Lives humanity."
-Dalisay and the Pegasus.

The legend of Dalisay and Pegasus is one known throughout the world. It's said that Pegasus is the king of all beasts, but becomes hunted for wealth. Dalisay had bonded with Pegasus after finding him trapped. She gave her life for his freedom.
Seeing the purity in her heart, he brought her back by sharing his soul. With what little life she had left, their souls flow through each other in an eternal cycle. Thus, the bond was created.
Ever since, humans and beasts have lived side by side. They share a bond, a personality, a soul. Humans can borrow the abilities of their animal, as animals can borrow abilities from their human. Ever since, our world has been one unlike any other.
Welcome, to Andromeda.

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