“Alright, well I will see you then Faith! Bye!” I hung up and walked up to my room to get dressed. I walked into my room and went straight to my walk-in closet. I really didn’t need a closet this big because I don’t even have enough clothes to fill in three fourths of the way up but then again it is HUGE! I searched through my closet and finally decided on wearing my black ripped skinny jeans, my red tank top that had MCR in bold letters on it, my black lace up converse that went to my knees, my black leather jacket that had pins all over it, my skull earrings, my skull necklace, and my leather buckle bracelets.           

                All of this took me a total of about 15 minutes and I decided to put on some eyeliner. I took out my black eyeliner and put it on pretty thick but not overly thick. I walked downstairs and looked through my kitchen to make sure I had enough food to feed everybody coming over to my house. I opened it and I swear it looked like a ghost town. I normally order Chinese food or pizza or something on the weekends and go shopping on Monday so my fridge was pretty empty. Some people find it odd, but I eat a lot! I mean, I eat more than my brother and two of his friends combined. I may be a girl but I know how to chow down. My brother says that my stomach really isn’t a stomach at all, but instead a black hole to another dimension. He really is crazy!

                I waited for Faith to get here and within ten minutes my door burst open and an exhausted looking Faith came through m door. She was panting and she bent over with her hands on her knees panting hard. “You okay?” I asked half talking half laughing. She glared at me and huffed.

                “If you must know I have spent the last five minutes walking to your house, so no, I’m not okay.” I laughed, but this time only half at her. She caught my eye and at the same time we said, “MY CHEM REFERENCE!!!” at the top of our lungs. We really were odd children…even though she was 25 and I was 24.

                “Anyway, we have to go to the store because I don’t have enough food and it is Saturday so my fridge is empty as usual.” She smiled and laughed.

                “Of course it is, Miss I-Never-Go-Shopping-For-Food-Unless-It-Is-Monday-Or-I-Am-Out-Of-Chocolate-Or-Junk-Food.” I laughed and nodded. Couldn’t disagree with that one!

                “Well, I am going to go grab my backpack and we can go.” I said as I headed up the stairs to get my string backpack that I carry everywhere. I used to carry a satchel but that got annoying.

                “Why do you carry that thing anyway?” Faith asked from right behind me. I guess she had decided to follow me.

                “Because, it has everything I own that is really important to me in it. This is good for two reasons. One, if I get robbed everything else can be replaced easily and two, even though my Kindle Fire could be replaced easily, the pictures couldn’t be so everything works out.” I came to a stop in front of my room and grabbed my key from my necklace I always wore to unlock my door. I never leave anything in my house that I care about unlocked. There are doors that can be locked on both sides of the kitchen, there is a door to my game room that can be locked, and there is a door to my bedroom that can be locked, and all of them are locked when nobody is in the room.  My house is all technically set up so it locks the rooms I mentioned when nobody is in them by sensors and cameras. I paid a lot for it, or more like my brother paid a lot for it. He spoils me like no other.

                I walked into my room and got everything I need so we could go to the store before my brother got here. I finished collecting everything and walked out of my room shutting the door behind me. Faith and I walked to out of my house and toward my car and even after seeing it a thousand times or more we both stopped to gawk at it. It was such a beautiful car. I loved the engine, the paint job, and everything on it. Overall, it was perfection. My car was a delorean and I had done my best to make it look just like the one in back to the future. Yeah, I know what you must be thinking, ‘Why, Eliza, do you have a delorean when you could get any car you wanted?’ Well, my friends, the answer is simple. I am a HUGE Back to the Future fan. Those movies have to be my favorite series of movies right next to Harry Potter. I know, I am a total nerd.

My Brother Comes To Visit (Green Day)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن